Fin Rot progressing...

BettaMax isn't for fin rot is it? I was under the impression Betta MAX was a general tonic for betta's that just aren't acting right. BettaFIX is for fin rot, and is the weaker version basically of Melafix.

Try some tetracycline tablets...those are an antibiotic for fin rot, amongst other things. It will also keep from getting a bacterial infection and making th efin rot worse.

You can get them at your local Pet store fairly cheap.

They come in a tablet that treats 10 gallons at a time..but you can section them off and break them down to accomodate smaller tanks. I take a razor blade and score them, makes for a cleaner break, then break them. If you broke it in half that would be 5 gallons for each half..that should work, but if you want to make it exact look at the pic I put below. Just following the dosing instructions, and don't quit until they say too.

I always take out a cup full of tank water and let it disolve in that, then put it in the tank and swirl it around. Since you don't have filtration..everything should be A-ok.

Here's how I break down tablet's. Like I said above if you score them before trying to break..they will be exact, pretty much..of course you're always gonna lose a crumb or two though. ;)
ral- sorry to hear about Karl. Hope he gets better soon.

SRC- the BettaMax package said it's effective for fungus, fraying tail and fins, and discolouration. I assumed the 'fraying tail and fins' was for fin rot as well as for blown tails, nipped fins, etc. :unsure:

Tetracycline tablets, gotcha. I'll try to pick some up as soon as I can.

Would the capsules work just as well?

Edit: And thanks for the diagram. It'll definitely help if I get tablets. :)
cutechic said:
ral- sorry to hear about Karl. Hope he gets better soon.

SRC- the BettaMax package said it's effective for fungus, fraying tail and fins, and discolouration. I assumed the 'fraying tail and fins' was for fin rot as well as for blown tails, nipped fins, etc. :unsure:

Tetracycline tablets, gotcha. I'll try to pick some up as soon as I can.

Would the capsules work just as well?
BettaMax is actually a better remedy for fin rot (and general illness) then BettaFix. BettaFix is Tea Tree oil, BettaMax is Antibiotics and vitamins.

Although I agree, if this round of bettamax doesn't show significant improvement, get her on a heavy-duty antibiotic right away. Might want to do it sooner rather then later, the loss of color is worrisome.

Good luck. :thumbs:
Thanks cation. :)

So if this BettaMax doesn't work, I should start using mardel maracyn-two as bkk suggested? Or something even stronger?

Another question... The BettaMax instructions recommend using Shieldex prior to treatment to increase BettaMax's effectiveness. Has anyone used Shieldex or another similar products before?
I would trust bkk's recommendation - I've heard great things about maracyn 2, although I've never used it. I trust Mardel medications, they've done me well so far! ;)
For loss of colour tend me to think it may be an internal parasite, and you should be treating for this but also ammonia poisoning will do this and i would start doing 50% water changes every other day this will clear the fin rot and if its ammonia poisoning this will help also loss of colour is a bad singe, and IMO will point to as i say internal parasites, we don't get this bettamax etc in UK we have sterazine and myaxine possible made from the same thing anyway i would run something like a course of sterazine but don't mix remedies including salt use one or the other as you can put more stress on the fish, but as you have been using it slowly dilute it out again not to stress with sudden water changes IE salt to fresh,do it gradual hope he get better soon........ :)
Forgot to add if you start a treatment then don't change the water as this will dilute the medication but is something you can try without medication giving him quality water and do lower it so its easier for him to get air without struggling to the surface that help......
Thanks cation & BettaMan :)

BettaMan- I never thought about internal parasites.

in UK we have sterazine and myaxine possible made from the same thing anyway i would run something like a course of sterazine
Do you mean stelazine? I haven't seen it anywhere around here. I haven't seen myaxine, either. I tried doing a google search for fish meds that contain stelazine or myaxine, but neither shows up. Does anyone know of a medication that treats both fin rot and internal parasites?

After this treatment of BettaMax is finished, I'll start doing water changes every other day.
Well, I might as well ask for adivce in this thread too.

Right now I am medication using salt and RidAll General Aid (Nuetrelized Falvine B.P.C.). If I can control it my other options would be to use Baktupor or RidAll AntiFungus (Nuetrelized Trypaflavine). We dont have a wide range of medications available here.

Rid-All, Tetra and Sera Products mainly.

One thing I noticed which I find rather strange. On some parts of the caudal fin, Karl has significant regrowth, on others find loss and yesterday some signs of bleeding (which are gone now).

Is it possible my betta is biting his own fin :eek:
Sorry about your fish :/ I'll say some things that have been said and add some new as well...

Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I am a believer that fin rot only comes from water quality, so definately keep the water absolutely pristine as you get her through this. It can definately be driven by other things, ie an injury, but the water quality is going to determine where it goes from there.

I hate melafix personally and never use it. I'd get some silver asap, you'll be suprised. Try to get a ppm of 500, get it in the dropper and see if you can get her to take it orally as well as it being in the water :thumbs:

Maracyn II is pretty amazing stuff, but it is also really harsh. If you can get a hold of the silver I think that would be your best bet.
Thanks Sorrell. Do you mean silver as in colloidal silver? I can look around and see if any of the organic stores around here carry it. I know it's a supplement rather than a med, but will it treat fin rot and internal parasites (if that's what the fish has)?

I agree with you about the water quality. I generally do one water change a week on her tank (4g), but with exams I thought she'd be ok with only a water change every other week, for a few weeks. :/
Yeah that's what I'm talking about. It will honestly treat anything, even dropsy, so definately give it a try :thumbs:
Will keep up the water changes which is now every other day. Thanks Sorrell. Could be water quality. He started to have problem when I switch to filters for some tanks. I takes those filters a bit of time to kick in, and since I only have one fish per tank, basically my betta's had to cycle their own tanks.

Could also be because I ran out of salt for a bit....
Sorrell said:
Sorry about your fish :/ I'll say some things that have been said and add some new as well...

Not everyone will agree with me on this, but I am a believer that fin rot only comes from water quality, so definately keep the water absolutely pristine as you get her through this. It can definately be driven by other things, ie an injury, but the water quality is going to determine where it goes from there.

I hate melafix personally and never use it. I'd get some silver asap, you'll be suprised. Try to get a ppm of 500, get it in the dropper and see if you can get her to take it orally as well as it being in the water :thumbs:

Maracyn II is pretty amazing stuff, but it is also really harsh. If you can get a hold of the silver I think that would be your best bet.
I agree 100 % sorrell water is the factor which keeps them healthy, and thats why i said do 50% every other day for a while, its just if your using medication like sterazine which is available in the UK its a 3 5 or 10 day treatment and if your changing water then its not doing its job its made by waterlife ..............
may not be able to get were you live but there will be something similar just start those water changes :p
Thanks for that BettaMan. :)

Since I can't do water changes while treating with BettaMax, I'm using a turkey baster to suck up the waste every night. Tomorrow is the last day of treatment, so I can start doing water changes. I can't find any sterazine around here, and I'm still looking into silver.

No change in fin deterioration/ growth or in her colouring.

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