Well got my eye on a Ehiem 2250 at the moment, it would fit in my cabinet nicely as smaller than the 2260, but still pumps out 2,400 l/p/h.
This coupled with my current ehiem would give me around 3,400 l/p/h.
Otherwise i'd have to contemplate a fluval fx5, but it would be a squeeze in the cabinet.
Not sure if you mean the same filter but Eheim 2250 pumps 1000L/H without the media, which means it's less with the media and has 12L volume for media max, compared to some other filters like the APS which is 20L. The more media to hold the better too, it's not only about flow. The upgraded 2260 version does pump 2400L/H without media(they don't usually come with media too) and it costs 460 euro(first search

I would go for one big filter with a squeeze in the cabinet