Filtration Question For Large Aquarium Owners

Well got my eye on a Ehiem 2250 at the moment, it would fit in my cabinet nicely as smaller than the 2260, but still pumps out 2,400 l/p/h.
This coupled with my current ehiem would give me around 3,400 l/p/h.

Otherwise i'd have to contemplate a fluval fx5, but it would be a squeeze in the cabinet.

Not sure if you mean the same filter but Eheim 2250 pumps 1000L/H without the media, which means it's less with the media and has 12L volume for media max, compared to some other filters like the APS which is 20L. The more media to hold the better too, it's not only about flow. The upgraded 2260 version does pump 2400L/H without media(they don't usually come with media too) and it costs 460 euro(first search :crazy:)
I would go for one big filter with a squeeze in the cabinet :rolleyes:
Even an Eheim 2260 compared to a Fluval FX5 is a lot less as per filter flow if that's the point here. The Eheim 2260 pumps 2400L/H, that's not considering any media, but the pump itself of a Fluval filter pumps 3400L/H and with media and other stuff they rate it a 2400L/H true flow.

Have you actually calculated the flow rate as that doesn't look anywhere near 2000lph to me? Plenty of people would be interested in knowing the actual rate as they are popular filters so would give a more definitive answer then the usual 'the flow rates aren't good'.
Just a point to note.....Eheim quote flow rates as it will be with media, they were the first manufacturer to do so.

The specifications I took specifically say "without media".

Have you actually calculated the flow rate as that doesn't look anywhere near 2000lph to me? Plenty of people would be interested in knowing the actual rate as they are popular filters so would give a more definitive answer then the usual 'the flow rates aren't good'.

No I haven't because I can't stick the bucket in there and measuring it any other way would not be the correct flow. But as I already mentioned on another thread this filter is stuck with filter floss(a single sheet in at the bottom of the two middle trays and a treble sheet in the top and bottom trays plus bio noodles, bio balls, other ceramic balls in each of the trays additionally .It's pretty much full and you said it yourself that filter floss reduces the flow?. Also, I am wondering how a 2000L/H filter looks like if you can point to a video?)
Also, I was told by a member here on another thread, and also other threads, that an APS 2000L/H filter would have the same flow as a Tetratec 1200 EX, which was supposed to be 1000l/h

See the flow of a tetratec 1200 EX compared to the APS:

Oh well everything's an argument with you so I won't bother with this one.

I am not argueing but you are talking in general without facts.

Eheim 2250

Eheim 2260

Hagen Fluval FX5:
This forum always has been about arguments / debates and who knows best (been on here for many many years)
Bottom of the line, everyone has different opinions and different things work for different people.

I've brought the 2250. I am not keeping monster fish.
I've my heart set on angelfish, a shoal of silver dollars, and large shoal or cory cats.
And for that, a 2250 with a 2028 for supplement should be more than sufficent!

Looking forward to it arriving so i can attach the 3d background properly.
I cut it to shape last night :)
The uv does nothing for home aquaria imo.

The stocking is strange to say the least. Silver dollars don't really mix well with Angels, they're nuts compared to the quite tranquil traits of the Angels. Endlers are going to be lost in a tank that size, I would go with 10 Angels and a massive shoal of Bleeding Heart Tetra's.
Congo, Buenos Aires, Colombian Red Fins...

You could also look into the Spotted Silver Dollar, they stay smaller so may be an option.

TTheres also this list that will show you the sizes and you can google em from there
I have 3 Eheim 2076e's running on my 8x2x2 and will probably add a 4th next year, they are rated for tanks of 400l, so I have filtration for 1200 litres so far, but of course, that depends upon the type of fish you wish to keep

I would always suggest 2 filters at least, over 1, so if one breaks down, you at least have a chance of getting another one, and have the other one running in the mean time
I have a tetratec ex700 (rated for tanks up to 250l) on my rio 125, i also have the internal rio filter running, so basically over filtering by atleast 3x
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