Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

And a couple more!


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ey a got that rtbs from the lfs as someone took it in as it was nasty, it is fine though and behaves, the characin has been nipped a bit! Annoying as i love that fish, think its the mystus but not entirely sure! The hujeta gar is getting big now, both her friends commited harry carry so she befriended the characin! The characin is about 7 inch now, the hujeta around 8 inch and the rtbs about 5 id say!
You not gonna tell me what that channa is yet?
thanks for your nice replies!! im cleaning out all my anks tody so i shall try and get some pictures of my catfish and the yellow channa upstairs! i'll try and get the little clown loach's, the red tail botia and the golden nugget!
thats my aim for the day, we shall see how well i do!!

got a couple more pictures!
One of the pictus cats, my happy looking channa punctata, my L081 golden nugget plec, my L122 orange seamed plec, my polypterus delhezi and a couple of my red tailed botia!


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I think everyone's sick with Envy, Dave! :sick: They are beautiful fish!
Its a shame most of them will have to go when i get the ray tank up and running, but just wont have the space for a massive tank and the 6 i have now! So im just gonna have the big tank and as many channa tanks as i can fit under it, hopefully 4 at least!
Should be able to find nice homes for them all!
Will never get rid of the bichir, characin, mystus or any of the channa, well until the assams and ornates pair off!
I love all my fish but want to move on to something more challenging! Could never let go of my love for channa though! Never!
Hope you like the pics anyway!

looking forward to your ray tank

thats what I want to do at some point in the near future!!!

was this last lot a bad choice of pics or something! Lol

yeah a load of old crap!!! ha ha

no good pics the bichirs a nice looking one and IO lke that orange seamed plec or whatever it is
Must have missed this thread :blink:
Great fish you've got there Dave, Pics look Amazing :drool:
thanks :)
yes its an orange seamed plec! L122
i know, its taking ages to sort out the new tank, im gonna have to re-home all my fish exept the channa, the bichir and the characin!
i could not part with any of them, im a bit iffy diffy about the plec, i really like that too!
i think the 8 foot tank idea is slowly going down the pi*ser, i think iv just about settled on a tank thats 6 foot long 3 foot wide and 2 or 2 1/2 foot high. which should be sufficient for the pair of rays and an asian arowana, may add 1 or 2 more fish but that would be in the distant future!
im trying to work out wether to sell the 4 foot tank and keep the fx5 and get another and have 1 used and 1 new or just sell it with the tank and get 2 new fx5's????????
im going to make my own pendant light, probably have 6 3 foot tubes, dont need to be strong lights, just to actually luminate the tank!
unsure of wether to just put the filter pipes over the top of the tank or get it drilled, seems like a lot of bother and in reality it would just be for asthetic reasons anyway so i would have to weigh up the actual differences it would make!

all these choices and decisions!!
I think everyone's sick with Envy, Dave! :sick: They are beautiful fish!

I am lol, such gorgeous fish & you are getting Ray's as well?? urgh i'm so jealous! No fair, I think you should send some of them to me to make room for the Ray's ;)

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