Few Of My Fish, Some Strange Some Not!

its at 'strikes burneside garden centre' near 'the koi pool' just coming up towards fleetwood.
Its not the best place in the world but far from the worst! And tend to be really cheap. Il list my fish i got from there,
Polypterus delhezi-£25
4 rocket (hujeta)gars- £3 each
Mystus leucophasis- £4
Its were i took my 7 big red finned tin foils a few months ago, and there still ther! Everytime i go in he asks me if im taking them back yet! LoL
They normally have some big cats in the bottom tanks like different shovel nose cats for about £25 and massive oscars for £10 each, probably what people brought in. Worth a visit if your near. Just go on the ma website and select the store named 'blackpool' get directions!
I love the bush fish, he's very impressive. What size is he? Mines has grown alot recently. Luckily the rest of my fish are keeping up with him, although I think I might need too keep an eye on my little Honey Gourami.
WOW, I have a serious fish crush :blush: i'm majorly jealous, you have the most beautiful collection :drool:

Would love to see a mugshot of your yellow punctata, you are making me want to rehome all my kids livebearers & nick that tank for some of these guys, going to have to give some serious thought to gutting the garage for some more large tanks.
Gorgeous Fish!

Love the bush fish - I have 4 who live happily in my 5ft tank with my reed fish and they are wonderful fish to keep, huge mouths for their size!

That Delhezi is a stunner.
i love my delhezi! as said easily one of my favorite fish. yeah that punctata, its actually layed on a rock starring at me know! if i get my camera out to take a pic it will swim away! saying that it is quite a recent addition and may just be taking its time settling down and getting used to me.
as the first pic shows when i first got the punctata it had the coloration just on its head and a bit on its back but like you can sort of see in the second pic its whole back is colored from head to tail, quite a transformation! it is an absolutely stunning fish though as are the other two but they are just solid yellow. wish they wouldn't fight so i could keep them all together and i wouldn't have to get rid of the other two!
yeah that bush fish has a right gob on it! i want a female one to go with him and see if they make friends! can only find small ones and to answer your question he is about 6+ inch.
talking of big gobs the leaf fish have massive mouths id say very similar size to the bush fish, and thats big taking into consideration they are only about 3 inch max!
i'll try and get some more pics later on of the pink tailed characin, rocket gar, my group of red tailed botia and i want some of my collection of catfish but they're always hiding!
oh and i'll try and get pics of the other two punctata but they always hide!!
oh and by the way all these fish apart from the baby channa ornatipinnis and the channa sp. assams are in the same tank so never let anyone tell you all snakeheads have to be kept on their own!!
thanks for the nice comments!
finally got the punctata to stay still for more than a second!
Just a couple of pics, just check out the change in color from the pic up there compared to now! Hope you like! This channa is really growing on me!


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is that the same fish thats been in your avatar recently? if so it looks much better now. looking good
what a gorgeously grumpy face :drool: his markings are beautiful, his tummy looks almost like sheet music
Did well finding the Delzheri! i went to numerous maidenhead aquatics and couldnt see one.
When i was down at my sisters i went to ; guildford, farnham,working and worthing, I managed to get a Senegal from Carlise Maidenhead which im happy with as its beefing up but initally it was was the delzheri i wanted.

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