Female Puppy Heat?

Actually, If you look at the GSD standard, From the AKC website "Topline-- The withers are higher than and sloping into the level back. The back is straight, very strongly developed without sag or roach, and relatively short." In other words, the back should be level once you get past the withers (shoulders).

American Shepherds are not usually "working" shepherds. They are the "showline" shepherds. And yes many have hip issues. Because the German breeders are required to x-ray hips and elbows. You end up with less of a chance of hip issues if you breed dogs with good hip ratings. Showline shepherds are bred for the "stance" Not sure if you know what a "stack" picture is so look at this working line german import http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/gsd/pedigree/464174.html and then look at this showline http://www.pedigreedatabase.com/gsd/pedigree/605875.html GSD's have a fluid gate when they move. Showlines are bred for nothing but the "gate" and the "stacked stance" because that is all they have to do. There are "german showlines" but they are still flat relatively flat backed and they must have "working" titles (Shutzhund)

White and "panda" are faults and not "supposed" to be bred in Germany. The only colors the standard allows is black, black and tan, black and red, and sable. Long coats are also considered a fault and not supposed to be bred. There are breeders who breed for those colors and coats. Usually black and red denotes Showline.


Hip problems and elbow problems can also be environmentally created. Too much running and jumping at too young of an age can cause problems. As can bad diet. We make it a big issue when we sell pups. Normal running (normal playing for a pup, not playing fetch for hours) is ok. Taking your 6 month old pup out for a 5 mile job is a no no. And absolutely NO jumping until the dog is fully developed.
OMG GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LILU GOT HER PERIOD TODAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TROUBLE TROUBLE!!! i gave her a bath and after taking her to pee she went on my moms bed and when she got up she bled and i wiped her and she bled more..it was very light and it wasnt red it was like orangeish?? plzz tell me how long this last!!! the whole thing not the cycles??
Differs depending on the dog. Usually about 3 weeks. First week getting ready second week standing heat third week finishing up. Could be longer could be shorter. Mark it on the calendar cuz it will happen again in 5 to 6 months.
She can mate in any of the 3 weeks. Typically the second week she is more likely to be willing to "Stand" for a male. Males will try to get to her any time they can. Keep an eye on her vulva, it will be swollen and when she is ready to "stand" for a male it will start to tip up so that it is more in line with her anus rather than down between her legs. That is when she is in standing heat. Don't walk her around your neighborhood. Keep her in your yard, on leash at all times. Some females will run away to try to mate. It's instinct. Also, you want to make sure other dogs can't get to her. Whatever you do, DO NOT breed her or allow her out of your site! She is too young and a lot of damage can be done in a short amount of time. Once a male gets her there is nothing you can do. They lock together (called a "tie" during breeding) What happens is she clamps down internally and he swells and you can't get them apart until he ejaculates and she is done.
OH god!! R U SERIOUS! that was eye opening but nothing i havent thot of.. i told my parents that im not alowed to walk her and they dont care cause they think that i can protect her but i dont wanna get bitten or anythin by random dogs..her vulva is HUGE its like sticking out of her..she has been bleeding since 2 days ago and its nasty and i have to wipe her every hour..shes not alowed in the carpet at any time...dont worry i am not breeding her now lol!! not even close! but she still plays alot and she been rlly rlly excited these past days..she still has this scaredness of other dogs so idk if shes willing to mate.. our yard has a fence all around it and im pretty sure no dog can get thru unlesss they can jump 3 feet over it..plus shes never alone outside..the vulva seems to look swollen but it hasnt moved that much..it looks like it did move tho a little towards the back of her..i guess thats whatchu mean?? and if there is a dog coming towards her and she is willing to mate..shud i pick her up to prevent it cause i know thats wrong but i dont need puppies at this moment cause i start school tomorrow :///// UGH! lol
Do whatever you have to do to prevent the dog from getting to her. Picking her up and turning your back to the dog is probably the safest bet. Although you do risk being mounted yourself and knocked over... so just be ready for it.

I worked on an Alpaca farm for a few years and there were many times I had to get between a male and female... it's not the most fun ever lol. But the point is it's certainly do-able... as male alpacas do tend to weight quite a bit and at 5'3" and 8 stone at the time I didn't have a problem.

I take it you plan to get her spayed ASAP? If not you're going to end up in this situation again in the next 5-6months as Shelby said. If you're not then definitely get some doggy diapers in stock so that she can wear them around the house and out on walks. It'll stop the mess getting everywhere and should hopefully help stop any males from being successful if they get past you.

Oh and for the record most males dogs will easily clear a 3ft fence to get to a female. When you said fenced and secure it made me think 6ft solid wood that was concrete at the base...
If a male wants to get with a female he wont give up. I had a breeder friend who bred newfoundlands... now fair enough they're MASSIVE but the male got through a solid wood fence... and by solid I mean a person would struggle to break through. The dog got through in a matter of minutes after he started trying.
My dogs can jump a 6 foot fence and only stay in their kennels becaues they know they are supposed to and will get in trouble if they don't.. and another piece of information... dogs can mate through a chain link fence. NEVER leave your dog in heat unattended!! I've seen dogs bust out of crates to get to a female.
omg well i pass by a male dogs house everyday and its outsdide all the time and lilu freaks out when it runs towards her but i doesnt act differently ever since she got her period?? he wants to get to her but thats everyday and he does that to all dogs...male or female..
we have that metal fence with holes in it u know and i know they cud mate thru the fence and i never ever leave her unattended..she doesnt like being alone anywho and i dont leave her alone..well at least not in the backyard most importantly..would a nueterd male try to get to her too???..actually this isnt the hardest thing i have had to deal with and on a difficulty scale of 1 to 10 its a 5..i havent had to deal with a close encounter of a male mating with her but i gotten a few scares with loose dogs but they listen to their owners..no stray dogs around here...yet..she just got it tho...if i pick her up she will poop or pee on me and thats nastyyyyyy..but i will take the risk of me getting jumped on then her getting pregnant..no we will not spay her...yet..depends how hard it gets
UGH SCHOOL TOMORROW!!!!!!! :( KILL ME! lol 10th grade :(..sry off topic but im excited but nervous
Even neutered males will try to get at her. My boss has two labs, a male and a female. Male is neutered female just came into heat and he still tries to mate her all the time. I'm constantly grabbing his collar and pulling him off her.

I have a son that is starting his sophmore year this year too.
when i had my horse, i had to stand in between him an a mare. At 16hds, he wasn't the smallest thing but I found with standing my ground, doing the 'i'm the boss talk', whilst pushing the crap outta him worked :lol:

If a dog wants to get at a female in heat, it will get into a garden, usually, no matter how :good:
well so far no dogs want to get to her that badly even when we pass one on a walk which happened once but it didnt react..
a horse! luckily u didnt get kicked or sumthing!
she had her biggest bleed today while she was laying down and it scared me and the vulve has become SERIOUSLY PINK! and it looks like a Y..she still barks at dogs when she sees them far away but if they r close she just tries to run away. its rlly hard to stay patient with her cause i dont know what to do with her when she tugs me shes always doing it and its soooo annoying..my moms bf said to just say heel when she does that but it NEVER worked!

first day in sophomore year....not bad but tomorrow i have swimming already!!!!!!! not happy :( tell ur son its hard lol i already got homework but its different depending where u live
How big is she? She's almost a year old? She's probably not been taught to heel. You can use treats to teach her in your yard or you can put a prong collar on her for walks.
whats a prong collar and yes shes almost a year old..today i was walking her and up the block a lady let her boxer out of the house and when i spottd lilu i freaked out i saw it before it saw her and i started walking down the hill then it came running and it was litterally like 3 feet tall and i thot it was a male when the owner finally noticed they didnt do anythin they just called her! i had to like hold the boxers collar so it wudnt bite lilu!!! i was terrified! it was a girl btw thank GOD!

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