Female Puppy Heat?

OH GOD! a pitbull tried to mate with her today luckily i was with her!! she didnt even move! she barked at me too!!!! so did the pitbull..im walkin and a pitbull in a yard came up and im freaking out cause its huge! and she barked and i tried to walk but she didnt want to move! so it came into sniffing distance and tried to mount her and i....i pushed it rlly rlly hard and it almost bit me so i carried her and ran and the owner yelled at me saying why did u do that! i said WHY IS UR DOG NOT ON A LEASH IN THIS YARD WITH NO FENCE!SHE HAS HER PERIOD! and they said none of ur business and i left that was soo scary and the ppl scared me more..
are you sure it's a good idea walking your dog in public ATM? oh, and if the pitbull wanted to bite you i'm sure it could've done. :good:
Ok seriously I'm trying to remember that you are only 15. My son is 15 and he has more sense than you do at the moment as I'm sure this is a first for you and you are in a total non-thinking uproar so I'm going to give you the best advice I can:

FIRST * STOP walking your dog. Period end of discussion. She will live in her own yard for the 3 weeks or so it takes her to finish with her heat cycle or in this case another 2 weeks.
SECOND * it's not a period. It's a heat cycle. If you are even contemplating breeding at some point in your life please use the correct term. Calling your vet and saying my dog is having her period is just silly and juvenille.
THIRD * have the dog spayed as soon as her cycle is done for her safety and your own if you are not willing to confine her during her cycle.
FOURTH * NEVER walk your dog by that house again in heat or not. Choose a new route. If you KNOW there is a irresponsible dog owner in the neighborhood AVOID THEM AT ALL COSTS!! Pittbulls are not bad in and of themselves, a lot of people who own them are idiots and irresponsible.

Your ***** is probably in the "standing" heat part of her cycle. She will stand still for anything; pittbull, spanish water dog, chihauhau, weiner dog, etc. She is receptive to breeding right now and she smell really really really good to every male dog within 10 miles right now. Keep her home and stop tormenting the neighborhood males.
first i cant convince my mom and her bf that im not supposed to walk her!! ive tried but these dogs need 2 hours of exercise everyday and the long walk is an hour long and i have to not my fault...oh and i am juvenile and im not educated like u..again not sure if we r gonna breed her i said that a lot and its kinda hard not to walk her there cause its right next to my house
cant do nothing about not walking her sry i told them that i cant and they said .."well thats why ur there!"..just passed by another male dogs house today and she barked at him like crazy but he was behind a fence..then he was playing with her running back and forth and so was she and i had to hold her down ughh..the ppl actually have two pitbulls and a month back one came right at us but my dog was soo scared and the owners of the other one had to call and drag it back home :/..she didnt have her..HEAT CYCLE back then so i g uess thats why she was chilled...she shud be almost done with it anyway its been 2 and a half weeks
Even if your parents are insisting you walk her there are still plenty of tips and tricks that you haven't even attempted to learn.

Such as disguising her scent and using doggy diapers. As I said way way way earlier, google 'Coping with a dog on heat', there are lots of tips to help you out. But as Shelby said, if your dog is on heat then she just shouldn't be being walked full stop unless you live absolutely in the middle of nowhere, or are transporting her into the middle of nowhere for walks.
i live in a neighborhood filled with dogs but not that many strays except cats!! sooo soo many cats! i just walk from my house to the cemetary half a mile away then back and i play with her in the yard..today she demanded more food after i fed her..i was at school and my moms bf woke up and she was scratching the cabinet where we keep the food..she has never done that but idk..her birthday is tomorrow! not rlly much of it but still..in winter is when i will start trying to train her..and maybe a little bit into fall to cause it might be to late..she is willing to learn :)..still no luck convincing my parents that i cant walk her
We have given you all the advice that we can. If your parents are going to continue to make you walk the dog then unfortunately they are being irresponsible themselves by jepordizing your safety along with the dog. The dog will suffer no ill effects for not having 2 hours of exercise for the duration of her heat cycle.

I live in town with 5 german shepherds. I walk my dogs, I take my dogs to an empty field and throw the ball for them. Within sight of my house there are 27 dogs (circling my block on all sides). I do not walk in front of houses without a fence or where I know the dog is not contained by either cable, chain, or fence. I cross the street so that I have a recourse if something happens. Do not think for one moment that I wouldn't step in front of my dog and kick the bejeezes out of someone else's dog and then let them have it too. I have 2 females. I DO NOT walk them when they are in heat. They stay in my yard at all times and NEVER unattended even behind the fence.

A dog does not have to be a stray to be a threat. Any dog that is not contained is a threat. Any dog owner that does not monitor their dogs when outside at ALL times contained or uncontained or have control of their dog is an irresposible dog owner. There is no two ways about it.

Buy a prong/pinch collar. This is a pinch collar http://www.amazon.com/Herm-Sprenger-Training-Colllar-3-8mm/dp/B0002DIROQ

You can find out how to use it here http://www.teacherspetk9school.com/PinchCollar.pdf Ignore the part where it says no more than an hour at a time. As long as you have her on a leash you can have it on her.

BUY IT USE IT. Teach your dog how to behave on walks. Barking at other dogs or dragging you down the block is bad behavior. Everytime she gets you up to a fence to bark at another dog or drags you where she wants to go she wins and is being rewarded for bad behavior.

You should have begun training your dog the minute you brought her home. Not wait until she is well over a year old. That is just rediculous. Our puppies begin training as soon as they are weened from their mothers. Why? Because we may have to keep them for awhile and you might as well have a well behaved dog from the beginning.
well i didnt know about the training thing but its never to late to train a dog..well sumtimes..but i appreciate everything and i finally went thru the heat cycle of my dog with just minor problems :)
Nearly getting mounted by a pitbull in her first heat isnt what id call a minor problem. None of the puppy books you say you read suggested you actually train your dog? I dont believe it. Once a dog has learned a behaviour its harder to break it than to stop it learning it in the first place.

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