Honestly, Do not breed your female to a mutt. She can breed to any male dog. Even a Chihuahua if you wanted. Personally, it is easier to find homes for purebreeds than mutts. Actually to be honest a litter of pups can have more than one 'daddy' dog. Females can get pregnant by more than one male while they are in heat.
If you can afford to buy a male to breed her to you can afford a stud fee. Choose another purebreed. Personally there are too many people out there who breed their dogs for multiple idiotic reasons. I've heard everything from
"oh its such a good dog, I bet they'd produce great pups"
"she would make a good momma"
"the babies would be so cute"
"it will help him/her mature"
"everyone should get to be a momma"
"its good to let them breed once before you spay/neuter"
All BullS&*% reasons and none of them are true. Dogs do not mature "more" or "better" if you breed them.
If you can afford to buy a male to breed her to you can afford a stud fee. Choose another purebreed. Personally there are too many people out there who breed their dogs for multiple idiotic reasons. I've heard everything from
"oh its such a good dog, I bet they'd produce great pups"
"she would make a good momma"
"the babies would be so cute"
"it will help him/her mature"
"everyone should get to be a momma"
"its good to let them breed once before you spay/neuter"
All BullS&*% reasons and none of them are true. Dogs do not mature "more" or "better" if you breed them.