Female Puppy Heat?

its ok we might be selling her anyway :'(

Aww why?

If it's her behaviour that is the issue then that is often easily (well... easily but it takes along time) fixed. You just need to get in touch with some dog trainers and find one that you feel you could work with to help improve her.

To me it does just sound like possessive behaviour which can become dangerous/agressive behaviour over time. But is quite straight forward to sort out.
And the male dog agression could partially be down to the fact she is unspayed, and partly due to not being properly socialised as a pup, again this is normally something that can be fixed by going to regular socialisation/puppy classes :good:

If you and your family love her and have the time/money to give her the training she needs then definitely do it! :D

Oh and well done on teaching her tricks, it shows she's clearly capable of learning. But IMO (for future reference though remembering I am not a dog trainer), I would never train tricks before important things such as the 'leave' command, socialisation from a young age and the 'return/heel' command.

The 'leave' command is an invaluable tool for young dogs. You can quickly teach them what they can and can't do and avoid problems from a distance as opposed to having to leap across the room to remove whatever object is about to go into the dogs mouth! lol.

Another useful one is crate training. Once trained you can follow on to teach the command of 'bed'. And easily and quickly remove the dog from a situation without needing to use force and the crate is seen as a positive place for the dog so they normally are happy to go when instructed.
well my parents think im not capable of taking care of her anymore just because i didnt wanna walk her in the rain and play with her in the drrizle..but because of them i got sick and have a cold :p glad it happned to teach them a lesson lol..i will love to take her to classes but noone can take her now but until i get my lisence(next year ..hopefully :p) i will take her..
when its bed time we say "place" and she goes into her crate without a fight..unless its midday then shes confused when slone in the house.
today i was walking her and a male puppy,i think a terrior, tried to get to her from her trainer but they were across the st and she was tugging me like crazy! my hand turned red and everything from the leash
i just wish my parents can help walk her to pee sumtimes too..just because iwanted a dog they leave me with the responsibility of waking up at 7 am to walk her..IN THE SUMMER! summer for teens is sleepy time :p! but on the weekends i sleep in till 9 or 10 cause my mom is home to take care of her..now tell me shudnt parents help walk her too even tho i wanted the dog?????????????!!!!
You don't get colds from going out in the cold and wet. That is a complete old wives tale. The only thing that can even slightly be linked to colds is that in humid conditions the cold virus lasts for longer so has a greater chance of you coming into contact with an infectious particle whilst out n about.
If you got ill very soon (within a day) of returning from being out in the rain then you were already infected with the cold as the incubation time is 2-5days.

And actually if you wanted the dog (at the age of 15) it is entirely your responsibility to walk and care for the dog whilever you are able. Frankly you sound like a stroppy teenager. Well tough... it's called responsibility.
Put it this way, if I were a parent and had a child at 15 who I allowed to get a dog I would expect that I would pay for vets bills and any food n such (They'd presumably be in education and not full time work so I would never expect them to pay for the animal). And that every now and then I would take it for a walk and such. I would also be prepared to take the dog on full time when my child went to uni or something... but in the mean time I would say the actual care and wellfare of the dog is entirely up to the 15 year old.
They're perfectly capable of looking after a dog at that age.
yea but parentscan help to thats not a big problem plus i have to pay for most of the stuff anyway..and they had to find me that dog that needed the most exercise! i mean rlly all i wanted was a small dog who ate and slept and playful at times..but i love this dog and i cant see myself with another one..and i do take care of her! its just when one of my parents tell me to watch her at the most random time...iit makes me mad cause whats a dog gonna do in a house! sleep YAA! im not a stroppy teenager because idont go out with friends that much because of her! i stay and play with her. im completely responsible its just my moms bf is the strictest person u will ever meet
just because i didnt wanna walk her in the rain and play with her in the drrizle
The dog still needs exercise whatever the whether. They aren't just for playing with, they're a living breathing animal that you must be responsible for.

i will love to take her to classes but noone can take her now but until i get my lisence
Do you not have public transport where you come from? Or trainers who can come to you? Can you not ask for a lift once a week to a training class?

just because iwanted a dog they leave me with the responsibility of waking up at 7 am to walk her..IN THE SUMMER!
YOU wanted the dog... oh woe is you having to get up at 7am to walk YOUR dog. If it's that bad... go back to bed afterwards! And so what if it's summer..

summer for teens is sleepy time
:rolleyes: Last time I checked the summer holidays are the summer holidays. And if you have no responsibilities then you can do whatever the hell you like. YOU wanted a dog, now YOU have the responsibility of a dog. So for you summer isn't for sleepy time... not if the dog needs something, such as walking.

on the weekends i sleep in till 9 or 10 cause my mom is home to take care of her
So these evil strict parents that never help you DO help you. But you're implying that somehow during the week while they're at work and you're on holiday mooching around the house THEY should still be the ones doing at least as much walking of YOUR dog. Even though at the weekend when they're having their break from work they are helping you...

shudnt parents help walk her too even tho i wanted the dog?????????????!!!!
No... you wanted the dog plain and simple. Although I do think your parents should have explained to you exactly what owning a dog entailed before they got you one. And should have made it clear what your responsibilities should be.

plus i have to pay for most of the stuff anyway
Like what? Toys, treats and other fun stuff doesn't count. The main and easily the biggest cost of owning the dog is pet insurance, food and vets bills. For example if you had to take her to the vets and it cost say... $500 (we had to take our cat to the vet yesterday to have a couple of teeth out n it was £250... so $500 is still relatively cheap)... who would pay that $500?

yea but parentscan help to thats not a big problem
I don't see why they should if it's you that wanted the dog. But like I said earlier I do agree they should've sat down and told you exactly what you would need to do to keep the dog... and made it clear what they were willing to do. That way you'd have known for sure if you wanted the responsibility or if you'd rather get say... some fish. :lol:

im completely responsible
Then why are you complaining that they should be doing loadsa stuff to help you?

Didn't you say you had another dog in the house by the way? Who looks after that one?
why dont you walk the dog at 8/9am instead? Then you get extra time in bed. She doesnt need walking at an exact time as long as you get up briefly to let her into the garden to toilet.
I also agree about the 'leave' command being one of the most useful. Try and teach her it asap. You can use it to keep her away from and stop her aggression/jealousy/fear of other dogs.
i'm sorry but you can't go from getting a dog, being excited, wanting to breed then re-homing her in a matter of 1 week......unless dog keeping became bi-polar. Unfortunately, that is called an irresponsible owner.

You have the chance to have a wonderful pet in your household, so what if you have to get up at 7am, it's a privilege to have a dog in the first place.

If you are going to complain and can't be asked, then I suggest you give (not sell), her to a good and willing home.
first of all...its not me who wants to sell her okay its my parents....this happens with every pet i get no matter what i do! the more closer i try to get to my dog she doesnt even follow me..if i said i have another dog i dont have another one my moms bfs son has one and so does his niece both shiutzus male and female not spayed..they r neighbors and cud mate but they have a fence so that cant get to each other..plus the female is 13 years old..and if she does have pups she dies..anyway..my parents told me all the time when i said i wanted a dog that its hard work and big responsibility and i said idc cause i can do it and i do..i walk her when needed cause she needs 2 hours of exersice a day and i play with her all the time..i get yelled at for watching tv cause when shes in the kitchen with sumone i get yelled at..doesnt make sense and shes not even doing nothing..
can someone tell me how to teach her the leave command cause i dont think i ever heard sumone do that.
i wish i can let her out in the yard..we have a huge yard pool jungle gym trampoline garden trees and plenty of grass but shes not alowed to go to the bathroom in the yard..says my parents..i wanna wake up at 8 or 9 too but idk why my moms bf tells me to get up at 7 specifically idk :/
theres not even a vet in this town.no places to train i wouldh ave to drive 30 mintues-an hour to get to the nearest training place and noone can come here cause im alone most of the day..plus i start school in 11 days so she wouldnt learn much..it may sound like im complaining but im suggesting for my parents to help but nvm about my parents ill deal with my dog myself anymore....if they helped a little...JUST a little they can stop yelling at me and grounding me and taking my stuff away and just take her..but again nvm........
You are at a huge advantage in this day & age having computer access. Google clicker training, & NILIF. You don't need a class to train a dog, just a willing and well informed human. You don't need a large open area either, it's all about the time you spend & how you spend it. Money doesn't train a dog, time does.

Even if your parents do give the dog up after training a well trained dog has a better chance of finding a long term home than a poorly trained dog. You will also learn about dog training, making any future pets all the easier to train. Waking up early is part of dog ownership, my crew has some sort of 5am alarm clock, 7am would be a treat on the weekend.
well im not sure how practical it is to not allow the dog to go to the loo in the garden, as it means you will have to walk her every few hours, which isnt something you can do when youre at school all day. Of course your parents dont want her to toilet all over the garden but you could train her to go in a specific area e.g a sandpit for ease of cleaning or a fenced off area of garden. You could ask them about this and get a dog-flap for when youre back at school. Of course you will still have to walk her.

To teach the 'leave' command, you just wait for an oppurtunity. For instance if the dog is picking up something it shouldnt, begging for food when youre eating, or you want it to drop a toy. Then you say '[dogs name] leave' in a firm but not nasty voice, and either take the thing away from them, or point in the opposite direction to tell them to go away from it. When the dog obeys you, give praise. Most dogs pick it up quickly, and dont really need 'training' in it as such, but rather just consistent use. You can use it alongside or instead of 'drop'.

It is important to teach your dog commands like this, because they are more useful than tricks. Some others she should learn are: in, out, down, quiet, come here (or heel or equivalent) and stay (or wait). Obviously you can use different words for these, the words themselves do not matter, as long as they are simple.

Why do you want your dog to follow you around? Being followed around the house can get very irritating because you keep nearly tripping over them. Its only really useful as walking to heel on a walk.
thanks for the tip :) i want her to follow me around because when she does i feel like she loves me more..she follows my moms bf around cause she got used to him while i was at school.i wish i can google stuff but my parents blocked almost all sites from my computer..they blocked sites where i get information but for sum reason not this one.its just incase of adult situations or buying stuff online.anyway
today is a wierd day for her lemme tell ya..i take her out to pee every 2 and a half hours if not sooner..this morning she peed in the house after eating while i was brushing my teeth and she never did that..especially on tiles.then today she peed on the carpet(parents werent to happy) then i took her to pee around 1 pm and she did then 20 minutes later she peed on the carpet again...then now at 3 again after feeding her she oeed then on the same walk she peed again 3 minutes later..i find that wierd..is she starting to get her first period????????????
Most any site with clicker training or NILIF won't be blocked. The PetSmart near me has a bowl of clickers at the checkout, it's a common and useful training method.

If house breaking is an issue limit access, a smaller area is more easily controlled.
we have a clicker lol..we tried using that didnt work out well she looks irritated when she hears that noise but we will try it again..can u help me with her period stuff in my last post plz?? we have to be ready for whats coming
Clicker training is a method, you don't just click & expect instant results. First you have to do what is known as loading the clicker, this makes that sound represent something. This is real easy, just click as you give the dog a treat, several times in a row. I've done this with 8 week old pups and a bowl of kibble, one click, one kibble, for the entire meal. That click now means something, and that something is food. That is part of their first day here.

After that the first day also includes learning sit. Easy deal, lure the dog to a sit with a kibble, when they do click & treat. Phase out the lure after a few good sits, phase out the click in the same manner. 8 week old pups learn to sit the first day, easy thing.

This can be done with anything you wish to teach the dog, in your case come, stay is the opposite of that. Watch what you use for commands, down is the most commonly misused one as far as consistency with family members. Around here down means lie down, off means 4 paws on the floor.

Dogs do not generalize well. If you teach sit in the kitchen, and try it in the back yard the dog thinks it means put it's rear on the cold kitchen floor, it's back to a certain window or appliance, or any number of things. That is why training takes time, exposure to a variety of situations and locations while training.

As far as the dog ovulating, I have no experience with breeding dogs, and have no desire to do so, my dogs are fixed or spayed. Were I to do so, besides shutting down a lot of tanks to provide time for this, I would work with a breed specific club for about a year, get advice on breeding stock, with the idea of improvement of the breed first in mind. After about a year buying a dog for breeding purposes would be considered. As it is I'm involved with a breed specific rescue, which I can fit into all the other things I'm involved with.

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