Female Platys Acting Strange?

From what i was told by pets at home was they get them in as young adults and sometimes they are pregnant before they come into the store. So like you say it could just be poo. So im not sure if that was her first birth.
My oldest singular fry is about 11 weeks old now. I keep watching to see if Dad is starting to make overtures towards her (if I'm right and it's a she at all!) At the moment he only has eyes for Mum!
If you want to know how long her breeding cycle is - don't forget to keep a note of the date she sprogged!
She sprogged on the 24th feb nearly a week ago and i just looked at her and she looking she going to burst and her gravid spot is darker.
Sorry I have no experience of this phenomenon and don't know how to advise you, Tony. Might be better starting a new topic in this LIvebearers section and see if anyone else can suggest what's happening.
Thanks mamashack. Already started one, been told its the next batch of fry. Lol
Well don't start pacing yet - you'll wear a groove in the carpet! lol
Lol, well i got a breeding tank set up this time rather than a box so hopefully i will be able to keep some. :)
I hope so too Tony!

I've got too many fry - you haven't enough - do you want some of mine? lol
Lol, if you didnt live to far away i would of loved to of taken some from you. I just checked her this morning and she hiding in a plant.
Not exactly round the corner then - shame! Could have been a good exchange! lol
hi mamashack, i got a female mollie last week and i went to the tank this afternoon and she was having babies so i caught and put her in the breeding tank and i got 18+ fry. got 2 more platies to have her fry in the next day so im going to have loads of fry now. :)

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