Female Platys Acting Strange?

I've heard of that tho mainly as a water conditioner but I guess the aloe vera is soothing and does what it says on the tin too! lol
Yay! I have 4 healthy fry this morning. from the one that was not so big. Just waiting for the other mother to have hers.
And when do i take the female out of the box as there no gravid spot and she thin now.
I'd take her out as soon as possible. They are supposed to have a suppressed appetite for 12 hours, but mine was chasing them down maybe 9-10 hrs after giving birth. It may have been even sooner but they were born overnight and I'm not sure exactly what time she had them, but 9½ hrs after lights out she was in hunter mode. The father however seems to be the paternal one in that he tries to head her off when she's chasing them. Yours may behave differently tho so keep an eye on them if you want most of them to survive.

And many congrats!! Hopefully your second pregnant female will be giving birth soon! Did you see any of them being born or did she wait til lights out?
Just got in from work and the other female had her fry. Got loads but looks like she having more.
There was 25 fry when I counted turned the light off and now they gone think they are in main tank now.
Did you transfer them to the main tank? If not, I read on another thread that the adults can jump into the breeding box and you can probably guess the outcome of that. It was in the thread called What is Squared Off.  
They went into the main tank themselves as there is holes on the breeding box. Cant see where they are hiding though. 2 are still the breeding box in a bit of plant is over the top of it. Im just hoping the ones in the main tank are fine. When i was told they can didnt know they did it so well
Oh yes they can indeed! They are amazing at concealing themselves! I thought all my 2nd batch of fry had been eaten until I put a large plant in the tank the next day and then 4 of them appeared from nowhere! This last 3rd lot, I only saw 3 originally and then when I did a water change, there were at least 10+ bewildered- looking fry wondering where the water had gone! You'll need eyes everywhere to get a final head count as they never oblige you by appearing at the same time or anywhere near the same location.
Job well done!
I think only one has made it. Just checked in the plants and i cant see any more. :( im hoping they are more.
Well I hope there are more, but I remember hearing on here somewhere that the adults can suck the fry thro holes in the breeding boxes if they have any. I don't have any experience with them or know if it is possible and hope that they have just become the naturals at self-concealment I know they can be!
Im just going to see in a couple of days and hopefully i will have some in my tank somewhere.
do they tend to hide when the lights on and come out when the lights off.

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