Female Platys Acting Strange?

i just read some where that the gravid spot moves towards the anal area, is this true. 
Don't know about it moving - as far as I know it's usually situated above the anal area anyway. This picture might help - you can actually see the individual fry eyes! Not my platy, by the way, I don't use a breeding box - mine was far too quick at this stage and all her pictures were blurred! lol
Thanks for getting back to me. Just checked on her this morning and she breathing fast and her poor little fins thrashing a lot and she keeps going up and down frantically. Dont if she in labour as she been doing for a couple of days. She still not eating much. And she also sitting on the bottom of breeding box. And she bending in a strange way like she pushing something out but nothing does. Lol.

Oh i forgot to say that every time the male comes near the box she goes nuts like she is trying to get to him.
She's possibly getting stressed in the breeding box and they can abort and reabsorb the fry if it happens too much. Might be worth putting her back in the main tank and taking your chances with the fry. You'll probably lose some as the slowest will probably be eaten but the strongest and fastest will find somewhere to hide. Looks like you've got some decent plants in there so they'll manage somehow.
Am not criticising as I've been there myself - it's hard not to micro-manage at this stage, but nature is a wonderful thing and they cope somehow. All we can do is make sure their environment is healthy and leave them to get on with what nature intended.
When he comes near the box she doeant seem bothered now. She just relaxing at the bottom of the box. I put her back in last night and he keeps following her and nudging into her all the time. So i put her back in. I know i shouldnt of but she was getting stressed out a lot. Her breathing has slowed down a bit.
My male is persistent too, but every now and then she will take herself off and hide in the plants for a bit of respite. They really are capable of taking care of themselves. Let me know how she gets on and post some pics if you can.
Here's a pic of mine at one day old - can see about 5 but there are 10+ altogether!
And the other female in the breeding box and she is now showing signs of trying to attack the other female. Why?
Have never had 2 adult females together so am guessing that she is a more dominant fish. If you want to keep them both in the breeding box at the same time, can you use a divider somehow? I don't know which box you are using, but I know there are some on Ebay where there's room for 2 females in there in seperate compartments. A bit late for you this time, but maybe worth considering for the future as you can almost guarantee they will be producing more fry in 4-5 weeks time.
Yes im already using the one with divider so they are separate from each other.
Not yet, i went to the pet store today and got some bloodworm and a this thing in the tank that calms them down and stops them stressing out. The staff recommended it to me. I also got some info on them from the guy who looks after their tanks and he said that they are going to drop very very soon. Fingers crossed.

He also looked at the pics and he seems to know what he is talking about.
Which pet store do you use? I've been using Pets At Home and have always found their fishkeeper very knowledgeable and helpful.
Tony1986 said:
Not yet, i went to the pet store today and got some bloodworm and a this thing in the tank that calms them down and stops them stressing out. The staff recommended it to me. I also got some info on them from the guy who looks after their tanks and he said that they are going to drop very very soon. Fingers crossed.

Got my fingers crossed too! What's the thing that stops them stressing out?
Thank you, its called stress coat. It reduces stress by 40% and he said that they use it to put in the bags when they leave the store and this one time he said he sold some female pregnant guppies to this women and they put it in the bag and when she got home there was 2 fry in the bag and 6 more came out. So im using it in my tank to calm them down while they are in the breeding box and it also stops the male from tormenting her while she in there.

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