Female Platys Acting Strange?

Just searched the tank, checked all the plants and every corner and no sign of the fry. They all have been eaten. :( i feel angry with myself. Just wish i had another tank to put them in.
There may still be one or two that are well hidden. I didn't see my first survivor fry until it was about 3 weeks old, so don't despair. Even if (big if) they have all gone this time, you can bet your bottom dollar they'll be having more in 4-5 weeks as they can produce fry up to 6 times on a single mating. Consider letting them have the fry in the main tank next time. You've got the stress coat to calm them if you think they are being harrassed and you may lose a few fry to voracious adults. However if you have a few live plants for them to hide in and feed off, a good proportion of them will survive and you'll be wondering where you are going to put them all!
Just double checked every inch of my tank and there is nothing. Maybe i will have better luck next time.
Don't beat yourself up Tony - it's a very steep learning curve is fish-breeding. I had a couple of fancy goldfish before I got the platies and they were quite happy being the only fish in the tank (27L at the time) for over 3 years. When they eventually died last summer I got this young adult pair of platies and they started breeding in December. There was only 1 survivor from the 1st batch and 4 from the 2nd and now 10+ from the 3rd so the survival rate is gradually increasing in my tank. Altho I'm now at the point where I'm in danger of being over-stocked especially if she has more in a few weeks time. Think I might have to consider re-setting up the old 27L tank until I can fathom out how to slow her down or get a LFS interested in taking some of them off my hands.
You can say that again. Fingers crossed i get more. Going to get some guppies today to build it up as i was hoping that the fry will make my tank a lot better. Looks bare at the moment.
Depends on the size of your tank. Personally, I'd wait a few weeks - you may have missed the odd 1 or 2 or more survivors and the female adult will almost certainly be producing more fry in a month or so. If you've a huge tank 100L+ and it's not over-stocked you might get away with it, but I wouldn't jump in and get more fish yet tho of course it's up to you in the end.
My tank is 4ft. Its 140L, im only getting a couple of them 4 at the most.
I hope getting some guppies will help you get over losing the fry, but I'm sure you'll be pacing the hospital corridor again in 4-5 weeks when they are due again! lol
Lol, im going to set up a birthing tank for them. It really has, the house i went to he breeds them as well as angel fish. He had a really nice set up.
How many did you get? The ones I've seen in the LFS were very colourful and delicate-looking unlike platies which are bruisers by comparison! lol
I got five as i wanted 4 females and 1 male but he caught another female by accident so i got another one for free. They are very pretty little fish. Like to swim near each other some have started getting their colours and some havent yet so its going to be a surprise when they do.
Would be nice to see a picture if you can get one on here.
Hi mamashack, just looked at the other female that had her fry in the early hours of sunday morning and she looking very fat again and her gravid spot is back. Is she going to have more before 4-5 weeks.
I don't know is the short answer. I have read that they can overlap pregnancies. The first time my female adult had fry she looked fat again almost immediately and what I thought was the gravid spot disappeared every time she had a poo. However the last 2 times she sprogged she was super-slim afterwards. She went exactly 5 weeks to the day, but they are all slightly different and yours won't necessarily be the same as mine. Is she a young adult? Was this her first birth?

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