Female not interested?

What the heck...that's the first I've heard. Buy a pair straight from a LFS and breed them right away. Patient is a must. I mean I myself haven't breed bettas yet but in 2 months I will. During the process I will obtain everything possible, prepare for jarring, food, everything. Give the pair some time to get use to their enviroment and each other. Breeding bettas doesn't have to be in a rush but should be carefully planned.
Male has finished building bubblenest and i let the female in and they are laying their eggs! :)
Look I know your excited and you want to start straight away but i think these people know what their talking about, please don't stress those fish out, if you take your time and listen to advise it will be rewarded in the end
Oh well, since he already released the female and they've spawned, our own choice is that the spawn goes well. If it's successful, CONGRATULATIONS!! :thumbs: but it it wasn't, well I hope you learned something ;)
I have just put one of my other females in with my other male as she has been showing vertical bars and dancing on her head! he has also built a bubblenest! when i put her in she just swims around the tank not interested, what can i do?
Yeah! I have followed everything correctly! it says if she is showing vertical bars and swiming with her head down she is ready! she is doing all of this, so why isn't she interested?
Is this the one you just bought? No wonder. As said on the other topic, you didn't listen to our advice. They both need time to settle in and QT.
yes, this is the one i bought! Can i just let everyone know that they have settled in fine and are loving their new home!!!

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