Female Betta Spitting Out Food


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
My female betta usually eats the little pellets, but lately she chews on it for a second and then spits it out. Why is she doing this?

water tests are normal.
Could just be fed up of them. Try offering something different alternate days. They are like us and like variety :D
Do they eat any people food? I only have pellets and bloodworms, but those I like to save for my ADF. Yes, I know they will eat bloodworms.
Get more variety for her. Live food, frozen food (Bloodworms, brine shrimp, daphnia....) maybe a high quality flake food too. Mine rather enjoy alot of variety and thrive on it. Shelled peas are popular with my girls on occasion and even fry food! Actually my gouramies love that (Am talking about my adult very large gouramies here.) and will readily suck it down in nano seconds. :lol: They also like pleco food, catfish pellets....well alright I'm sure you get the picture. But really live foods are the best as it plays on their natural hunting instincts. Also bettas will spit out their food and then grab it again if it needs to be broken down a bit to eat efficiently and swallowed. It is natural behaviour.
I agree with the variety! Generally my fish all get the same pellets but they also get daphnia, bloodworms and my females love freeze dried tubifex but two of my males are finiky and will only eat the pellets and live foods (they are spoilt rotten) Another thing my females love is the sinking algae wafers that you get for plecs and cory's they just swim off with the whole flake in their mouth with another chasing them!
I agree with the variety! Generally my fish all get the same pellets but they also get daphnia, bloodworms and my females love freeze dried tubifex but two of my males are finiky and will only eat the pellets and live foods (they are spoilt rotten) Another thing my females love is the sinking algae wafers that you get for plecs and cory's they just swim off with the whole flake in their mouth with another chasing them!

mine will only eat one mini individual pellet if he sees u putting it infront of his face. its irritating because its so time consuming. i have to do this numerous times a day so he will eat!!
one of my bettas hates pellets and will just spit them out, but he loves goldfish flakes...I must try them on algae wafers havent tried them on that. got lots of different foods must see what I have.
I have to be honest but the freeze-dried stuff doesn't look very appealing to me. If you can't get frozen or live foods is it possible to get that stuff in jelly?

You'd be surprised how long they can hold out for little devils :alien:
Yeh I don't feed any of my guys the freeze dried worms - just the frozen stuff thawed.

How many times are you feeding her a day & how many pellets???

For my boys and girls - I feed them 2x a day. Two pellets in the morning and two at night. And to throw variety in there - I give them bloodworms or shrimps 3x a week at nights instead of pellets. They usually eat it up :lol: and look at me for seconds. :wub:

I theorize you might be feeding her too much and that's why she's bored and spits out the food. Hold off feed her for a couple days and start on a routine, hopefully she'll get back in the swing of things! :thumbs:

And if you can, go buy the frozen stuff - makes worlds of difference!

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