Fellow MTS sufferers

My list is pretty short and sweet.

6 female bettas - think they're all veiltails
8 male bettas - 7 veils, 1 crowntail
1 snail - that's Gary :)
7 tanks, with a few more on the way!

6 tiger barbs
6 American flag fish
2 dwarf gourami
6 platies
2 African dwarf frogs
3 upside down catfish
3 Emerald catfish (bronchis splendens)
6 otocinclus catfish
3 neon dwarf rainbowfish
5 Boesmani rainbowfish
3 plecos (1 common, 1 starry night, 1 rubber nose)
7 zebra danios

....and a lot of LOACHES!
7 clown loaches
5 yoyo loaches
2 weather loaches
2 burmese sand loaches
9 chain loaches
2 red-finned loaches (botia modesta)
2 tiger loaches
5 polka dot loaches (botia angelicus)
My list is also short...

1 Jack Dempsey
1 Bristlenose Plec
1 Angelfish
2 kuhli loaches
4 corys
2 Female bettas
15 Male bettas (10 Veil, 1 Delta/Crown, 2 Crowns, 1 Double, 1 Comb)
clown, yoyo, zebra, skunk
irian red, turquoise, neon dwarf, goyder river, yellow,bosemani, australian
schwartzi, panda, emerald, albino, juili, bronze
marble, zebra, gold, black
pearl, opaline, gold
odessa, albino tiger, rosey, gold, panda
rainbow shark
red-tailed black shark
bn pleco
african red-eye tetras
tiny tiny balas
male guppies
zebra danios
silver hatchets
black neons
5 FAT fancy goldfish in a big rubbermaid tub rescued from the toilet, want 'em?
Platies x 12
Gold wag small
Gold wag large
Sunset Twinbar
White male
White female
Red female
Cream twinbar male
Red twinbar male
White female
Black female
Black female

Swordies x 6
Red wag
Sunset/yellow twinbar
Navy blue
Marigold wag male

Whiteskirt tetra x 1

Bnose Catfish male and female and LOTS of babies

Cories x 7 (3 peppered, 4 albino)

Guppies x 5
Black tailed
Yellow tailed
2 x yellow tailed male fry
1 x leopard tailed male fry

Mystery fry x 3 (guppy, swordy or platy)

Cyrtocara moorii x 5
Aulonocara rubescens x 4
Yellow lab x 6
Pseudotropheus acei x4
Clown Loach x3

2 male bettas

I think thats it.

MAN, thats a lot of fish when listed like that :p

EDITED: I forgot the bettas :S
And here's me thinking i had loads of fish! Maybe i'm not as obsessed as i initially thought seeing some of these lists here! :D Here's my list - - -

9 Red Bellied Piranha
2 Common Plec
1 ? Plec!
4 Striped Raphael Catfish
2 Spotted Raphael Catfish
1 Albino tiger Oscar
1 Red Tiger Oscar
1 ? Cichlid
2 Female guppies
3 Male Guppies
4 Head & Tail Light tetras
6 Penguin Tetras
15 Various other tetras!!!!!

All in 5 different tanks! And yes..... nearly all of them have names but i'm not typing them in too! tehehehe :look:
I only have 5 tanks and a pond and bog......

15 or so goldfish and 10 koi in a jacuzzi with a thirty gallon filter (I'm going to try to build a bigger pond this year but not sure if I'll get to it).
8 rosy reds in a bathtub.

75 gallon stock tank that has a 7 gallon filter only half graveled:
5 platies
10 mollies
4 gouramis (two gold two blue)
5 neons
2 giant danios
1 6" goldfish
3 weather loaches
5 kuhli loaches (one striped rest black)
2 horseface loaches
3 clown loaches
small danios, whiteclouds, and guppies (forgot how many of each I put in and just try counting them in a black container...)

40 gallon stock tank (temporary holding) one gallon cannister and 30-40 whisper:
2 marbled gobies
3 senegal bichirs
2 violet gobies

8 gallon hex:
3 glofish
1 guppy
1 platy
applesnail babies

5 gallon:
ghost shrimp, ramshorn snails, and pond snails.

10 gallon plant tank that needs no light in the south window.

I'm getting ready to build just one big divided up tank for all of these guys. It will basically be a 90 gallon for the community, 300 gallon with a flowthrough divider for the marbled gobies and bichirs, and another 90 for the violet gobies that will be brackish.

Edit: these plans are now scrapped I got two clown knives so it's just going to have a 3' flowthrough division for my bichirs. Dimensions never changed still 4x8x2. I'll keep the violets in the tank they're in now take it bw and maybe add a few knight gobies or the like. The 75 community will stay as it is.

150 gallon outdoor tank: 2x foot long clown knives and an 8" dempsey. I'm growing an oscar to be his buddy hopefully it works out. If not I'll divide the 75 gallon stock tank I'm getting for them.
Tank #1:
1 red Oscar
5 Tinfoil barbs

Tank #2:
1 Nicaraguensis Pair
20 Serpae tetra's
12 redtail rasboras (soon to be increased to 20 or so)
8 Synodontis Multipunctatus
1 Royal Pleco

Tank #3:
2 kribensis
15 cardinal tetras
6 rosy barbs
6 glass cats
4 cory cats
4 otos
Countless trumpet snails
Geo. Braziliensis(sp?)
blue acara
(tank to be upgraded in a week or two)

breeding pair of jewels and newly hatched wrigglers

2 keyholes
2 bolivian rams
2 cockatoo cichlid fry
5 neons
5 pristilla tetras
4 harliquin rasboras
1 peacock gudgeon
2 threadfin rainbows
8 Corydoras Aeneus
2 bristlenose cats
(upgrading in a few weeks)

120 gallon

1 sailfin plec
8 dalmation mollys
1 platy
1 bumblebee catfish
1 bulldog plec
2 clown loaches
5 neon tetras
5 glass catfish
11 female bettas

10 gallon
1 black moor
1 calico fancy goldfish
(being upgraded to an outdoor pond this summer)

8 gallon hex
5 ghost shrimp
1 Dwarf Puffer

10 gallon hex
male betta

10 gallon
Male betta

10 gallon
Male betta

5 gallon
female betta

2.5 gallon
male betta

1 gallon
4 guppy fry

29 gallon
3 platies
2 guppies
5 cories
1 rainbow shark

10 gallon
Male betta
5 cories

55 gallon
9 tiger barbs
6 black skirt tetras
3 smaller type of tetras ???

All of those tanks are in my room except for the 29 gallon, the 10 gallon with the male betta and corries, and the 55 gallon. :hyper:

I really need to cut down on my MTS. :p It's not my fault! My mom goes to garage sales everyweek and I swear she brings me a new 5 gallon+ tank everyweek. :whistle:
135 Gallon

1 - 10" Lutino Oscar
1 - 8.5" Orange Oscar
1 - 7.5" Orange Oscar
1 - 7" Red Terror
1 - 12" Common Pleco

46 Gallon

3 - Angels
3 - Clown Loaches
5 - Oto's
5 - White Skirt Tetras
1 - Bristle Nose Pleco
Pond & Trumpet Snails

29 Gallon ( split into 2 tanks )

Tank A

4 - Dwarf Puffers
15 - Ghost Shrimp
All snails MIA..LOL

Tank B

6 - Fancy Guppies ( soon to be more )
5 - Ghost Shrimp
1 - Brown Ramshorn snail
Misc Pond Snails

that is it so far


1 Hara jerdoni
1 Common Pleco


1 Crowntail
3 Veil Tail

Saltwater Fish

1 Clown Trigger
1 Picasso Trigger


1 Mickey Mouse Platy
2 Dwarf Sunset Platys (or Coral Platys)
2 Yellow Fancy Guppies
2 Black Sailfin Mollies
2 Dalmation Mollies
10 (ish?) Feeder Guppies
30 (ish?) Feeder/Fancy Guppy Mixes


3 Zebra Danios (Longfin)
1 Leopard Danio (Lonfin)
4 Ghost Shrimp
Too many Malaysian Trumpet Snails :X
10-20 Ramshorn Snails

How sad... my list looks so short compared with everyone elses. :-( But I'm the only one who owns a very rare Hara jerdoni, so ha! :p
chishnfips said:
Why are plecos named by numbers?
All members of the loricardea family, and so many, common names have not been settled on yet, and better off this way IMO.

lots of fish we keep :D better (hope) we keep them than some peeps.

i dont think i have this but only have 3 fish

one female cambodian betta (stary)

one female multi colored betta(AmyII)

one orange w/ red spoted tail male betta(flame)

i used to have one other male betta but he died this week :-(

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