Fellow MTS sufferers

Oh dear oh dear.... time for me to face the fish..


1 x Syno. Angelicus
4 x Dwarf Syno. Petricola
1 x True Syno. Petricola
2 x Syno sp.
3 x Pim. Pictus
4 x Flagtailed Porthole
5 x Ottos
1 x Chiloglanis Polypogon
8 x Indian Ghost Glass Cats
6 x African Glass Cats
2 x Tatia Perugiae
1 x Bristlenosed Plec
1 x L128 Blue Phantom Plec
1 x L066 King Tiger Plec
1 x L142 Big White Spot Plec
6 x Tail Spot Pygmy Corys
2 x Striped Pygmy Corys
2 x Peppered Corys
1 x Sterbai Cory

3 x Pakistani
3 x Zebra
3 x Dwarf Chain
3 x Skunk

1 x Black Ghost Knife
1 x Red Throat Goby
2 x Dwarf Puffers
5 x Male Bettas
2 x Females
2 x Kribensis Cichlids
2 x Festivum Cichlids
6 x Gold Tetra
5 x Boesmani Rainbows
2 x Platies

All of these 93 fish spread over 7 tanks ranging from 3G to 60G... Have managed to shift some of my old community fish (Danios/Tetra etc.) to friends and family, so that i can concentrate on the more unusual fish, particularly catfish...

I have;

2 Golden Rudd
3 Black Tetra Neons
10 Swordies
1 common pleco
3 Angels
1 Red tail black shark
1 Silver tip tetra
2 Siamese Algae eaters

In the past i have kept

2 alantic goldfish
1 Japanese Loach
7 Golden Rudd
12 Blue Tetra Neons
4 Black Tetra Neons
33 Swordtails
2 Leapod mollies
10 Guppies
1 common pleco
1 Bristle Nose Pleco
1 Gebbicep
4 Red tail black sharks
1 Bala Shark
4 Angel fish
1 Silver tip tetra
2 Siamese Algae eaters
1 Chinese algae eater
2 Koi
2 mirror carp
6 Fantail goldfish

Now please note some of these passed away and some of them i gave away, the Koi, mirror carp, fantail goldfish, and the two alantic goldfish are currently under my brothers care, however i tend to them still when i go over there
I am so glad that UI am not the only one who says"thats a cute fish" and then has to set up a new tank.Thank God for credit cards.lol

Our list looks a little short :/
  • Puffers
    • 2 Fahakas
    • 2 Browns
    • 3 Humpbacks
    • 3 Dwarfs
  • Gobies/Gudgeons
    • 1 Purple-striped
    • 11 Bumble-bees
    • 6 Peacocks
    • 3 Violets
    • 2 Wui
  • Catfish
    • 1 Chacachaca
    • 3 Banjos
    • 7 Bristlenoses
    • 2 Albino bristlenoses
    • 1 Starlight ancistrus
    • 1 Medusa
    • 2 Red Sternellas
    • 2 Royal Plecs
    • 1 Lemon spotted green plec
    • 1 Sultan plec
    • 1 violet plec
    • 2 striated rubber lip plecs
    • 1 spotted rubber lip plec
    • 2 twig catfish
    • 2 Trilineatus cories
    • 3 albino cories
    • 3 peppered cories
    • 1 Shoutendeni syno
    • 3 Striped raphaels
  • Others
    • 6 Rummynose tetra
    • 10 Neon tetra
    • 5 Emperor tetra
    • 3 clown loach
    • 7 khuli loach
    • 2 Parrot cichlids
    • 1 fire eel
    • 1 Ornate bichir
right then... This is a list as it will be in a couple of weeks when the tanks are all back home...

New Trigon 350 (get it tomorrow :))
1 Sail fin / common plec (see sig)
1 Goldie plec
1 Large white spot plec
2 Startlight bristlenose plecs
10 black phantom tetras
4 clown loaches
3 pim pictus / Synos (not sure yet)
2 apistos
1 guppy
1 Male Plankat Betta
3 leopard danios
5 Buenos Aires Tetras
12 Amono shrimp

5 Columbian Zebra plecs
10 Rummy nose tetras
10 pigmy corys
3 Panda corys

1 Para Plec
1 Leopard Frog plec
3 Khuli Loaches
2 Ladder loaches
4 Prestilla Tetras

50L - not sure what or where this one will end up yet :dunno:

12l - Shrimp breeding tank.
3 egg laden amano shrimp (once its setup - if they are still egg laden)

EDIT: - I forgot Frank
3gal - Male veil tail Betta

Soon to become a marine reef in the living room :)

My site and sig need a serious overhaul :D

2 Peppered Cory
1 Albino Cory
1 Haraldschultzi Cory
2 Surinam Cory
2 Bronze Cory
3 Upside Down Cats
1 Sailfin Plec


6 Clowns
3 Kuhlis
2 Yoyos

Other Cyprinids, Characins and Atherinids

6 Bentosi White Tip Tetra
9 Cardinals
3 Bala Shark
8 Harlequin Rasboras
2 Silver Tip Tetra

Gouramis and Anabantoids

1 Sunset Honey Gourami


3 Amano Shrimp

New World

Male and female Dutch Blue Rams


m/f platy

Cold water

2 2ft Ghost Koi
1 15" Shubunkin
2 2ft Mirror Carp

(all fostered out until pond in new house sorted - unknown inhabitants of said pond, looks very stocked, may need to find new homes for some)
Multiple Tank Syndrome......very highly contagious condition spread by getting on forums and talking about fish!!!!!!!!!
5 goldfish (black moore and fantails)
9 danios (spotted, zebra, longfinned and blue)
4 green cories (or was it bronze?)
1 weather loach
5 painted white-skirt tetras (I know...I know)
4 guppies
1 swordtail
1 flying fox
1 paradise fish
6 male bettas
1 female betta
& 3 guppy fry

Thats in:
(6) 1 gallons
a 3 gallon
a 5 1/2 gallon
a 10 gallon
& a 50 gallon.

Wow...I sure do have a short list. Well, since I have a lot of time on my hands, I'll make my list longer!

1 black moore goldfish (Henry)
1 fantail goldfish (Chub)
1 fantail goldfish (Glow)
1 fantail goldfish (Nibbles)
1 fantail goldfish (Benny)
1 zebra danio
1 zebra danio
1 zebra danio
1 longfinned zebra danio
1 longfinned spotted danio
1 longfinned spotted danio
1 longfinned spotted danio
1 longfinned blue danio
1 longfinned blue danio
1 green cory
1 green cory
1 green cory
1 green cory
1 weather loach
1 painted tetra (blue)
1 painted tetra (blue)
1 painted tetra (orange)
1 painted tetra (pink)
1 painted tetra (green)
1 female betta (Kia)
1 male guppy
1 male guppy
1 female guppy
1 female guppy
1 female swordtail
1 flying fox
1 male paradise fish
1 baby guppy
1 baby guppy
1 baby guppy
1 CT male betta (Dragon)
1 VT male betta (Drake)
1 VT male betta (Pebbles)
1 VT male betta (Bruno)
1 VT male betta (Flare)
1 VT male betta (Ruby)

Ok, it looks better now :p
_Live Bearers_
2 sword tails
2 high fin platties
2 regular platties
10 guppies

1 Blue
1 Opaline

2 ottos
2 bronze corries
1 julie corrie
1 panda corrie
1 syndontis eur...
1 mystus catfish
1 rubberlip plecop
1 whip tail cat
1 other pleco, maybe sailfin, not really sure

1 female CT
1 VT female
1 Plakat
2 VT males
10 Von Rio
6 Black Skirts

4 kribs
3 Angel fish
1 Blue ram

1 Commet
2 Commen
1 Oranda

1 Dojo Loach

1 Violet Goby

2 rainbow sharks
23 bettas
3 platies
1 lonely cory who has to be at least 4 years old and refuses to die
2 khuli loaches
2 dwarf pencilfish
2 dwarf puffers
1 senegal bichir
1 baby jaguar cichlid (future excuse for a new tank)
1 African butterfly fish
1 bumblebee catfish
1 oscar
1 midas hybrid
13 Female Bettas
-9 Veiltail
-1 Plakat
-1 Halfmoon/Veiltail Cross
-1 Delta
-1 Crowntail

27 Male Bettas
-12 Veiltail
-5 Delta
-3 Plakat
-6 Crowntail
-1 Doubletail

7 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
3 Danios (1 Leopard, 2 Zebra)
2 Croaking Gouramis
3 African Dwarf Frogs
2 Chinese Fire Belly Newts
2 Mollies (one Marble, one Black)
1 Dwarf Platy

I don't even know how many, but I have both Feeders and Fancies.

I THINK that's all...
You look at all these list you realise what lucky fish we have, and how many fish have good homes out there, but still goes to show that we cant house enough of then to save them from the suffering they have to endure in careless fish retailers outlets...
OK here goes in no particular order: :fun:

7 Angels (mostly zebra, 1 black lace, 1 gold)
11 Gouramis (3 spots, blues, white, chocolate, pearl)
4 Betta girls (snakeskin halfmoon, ct, 2 emerald dts)
3 Betta boys (VTs Not for lack of trying/wanting others)
3 Butterfly Rams
about 10 guppys including fry
2 Bumble Bee Gobys
7 Panda Cories
2 Swordies (one lyretail)
4 Bristle noses
3 Kuhli Loaches

They are spread over 7 tanks!!! :whistle:

There is three empty tanks waiting for us to have money to fill them! :rofl:
I only have 2 tanks :( I am poor, and the floors in my house can't support anymore than what I have right now. So, I'm forced to contain my MTS until I move out.
But here are my fish, and their names:

1 common pleco (Hurcimer)
6 cories (the leopard cory is named Sedona)
2 black tetras (Bonzai and Sllor)
5 zebra danios
1 Bolivian ram
3 dojo loaches
1 betta (Rodchester)
1 tiger pleco (Jethro)
1 clown pleco
1 bristlenose pleco
10 tiger barbs
4 khuli loaches (one is named Kinky because his spine is deformed)

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