I agree, again.
Frozen daphnia and shrimp will not be so full of fats as worms, and it is the worms you need to limit to once (or at most twice) a week. Shrimp though has very little nutrient, and the exoskeleton can cause issues too in excess, if I remember correctly. But none of these frozen foods are really intended as "staple" foods, more as treats. Frozen is the next best thing to live foods from the standpoint of appealing to fish, which is why difficult fish can usually be weaned off live foods with frozen first (and sometimes no farther).
As for good quality flake, there are those who say it doesn't matter, and others who will only use this or that. I guess I am in the latter group. I use New Life Spectrum (the basic flake and the two smallest sizes in pellets, 0.5 mm and 1.0 mm) and Omega One (Veggie Flakes, Veggie Rounds, and shrimp pellets). I find this assortment, which means the fish are being offered something different each day over three days before repeating, works for basic community fish.