Feeding Timetables

LilyRose Tank

Fish Herder
Dec 27, 2009
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Does anyone have a timetable they follow for feedings, like every morning flake, with a different food at teatime?
I just feed once a day when ever I get the chance to. In the wild fish do not have an eating schedule.

My fish tank is in my office. Fish get fed once a day 3 days a week. twice a day 2 days a week and often they get nothing 2 days a week, Sat. and Sun. when I don't go into the office. I just do a variety with no particular schedule. So far everything is great.
Whenever. I might go two or three days without food, then once a day most of the time.
I usually throw them a little food morning and evening, but the exact times and what they get is very variable. I'll randomly do a fast day or only feed them once per day sometimes too.
It varies for me, if I need to bulk fish up Ill feed quality flake and live 2/3 times a day. But this means more in the way of water changes. Needed to bulk up my fish ready for this weekend as Im getting a big addition. But once that calms down Im going to be feeding once a day 6 days a week with a starve on friday, day before water change.

Flake food once a day - usually towards night.
A few sinking pellets every other day just after lights out
Peas / cucumber / carrot whenever I have some leftover from cooking (unsalted!)
frozen bloodworms / daphia once a week

Every now and then I'll make the fast for a day, depends on how much I want the plecs and corys to hit the algae.

A bit of everything really. The apple snails tend to clear up any waste - but with my rasboras, there's not usually much left
Once a day for 6 days a week, don't feed on day of water change.

I feed:

Homemade Flake
Some frozen food (once a week)
Tetra Tabimin.
I feed in the evening after I get home from work and never use anything but flake or pellets on a work day. On a weekend, I choose from among the frozen foods and spend the time it takes to feed frozen foods. Another benefit of the approach is that I can use the gravel vac the next day while doing my water changes to remove any uneaten frozen food.
Twice a day morning & evening,tiny bit of flake,tetra mini granules daily,defrosted brine shrimp/bloodworm & daphnia maybe 1-2 times a week,the bloodworm i tend to give day before a w/c,otherwise i have bits of it floating around the tank :rolleyes:
de-shelled peas or broad beans once a week.
I feed about the same time every morning after the fish are good and awake. The feeding never exceeds 3 minutes and its the only one of the day. I sometimes skip one or more days. WD
I just drop a pellet or two for my betta then a few pellets for my catfish when i wake up 1st thing then last thing before i go to bed.
I feed my community tank Flake/ Cyclopeeze 2 times a day once in the morning and 6:45am and then in the evening 6:30-7:30ish, I drop algae wafers in at night and veggies about 3 times a week. But my Discus Juveniles keep me busy they get fed a live blackworms or brineshrimp, frozen blood worms, beef heart, other various frozen foods and flakes anywhere from 3-6 times a day.

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