Feeding A Sailfin Plec


Fish Fanatic
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
chester, uk
I have a new sailfin plec, only about 2 inches long at the moment, i know they eat algae but there isnt much in my tank because its relatively new. i bought some algae tablets but there really big solid things and im worried there too much in one go?? he doesnt appear to go for the other fishes food (flakes). How do you feed yours?
give it chance to settle in and find out what the food is because it will have only been fed on cheap catfish food in the lfs to keep cost down on feeding there stock algae waffers and courgette are what i feed mine on and they love it just give the little feller time

cheers dane
If you think a whole algae wafer is going to be more than he needs, it is easy to break them in two; that's what I do for my juvie bristlies. Also all sorts of veg should be good: Dane mentioned courgette, so I might add spinach, sprout, broad bean, broccoli.
these guys will eat anything, they often cleaned up my Crayfish moults before the Cray got to them. that said, algae waffers, peas and fresh cucumber/courgette, they will also clean anything else they find too.
They are great fish!

Give him a piece of cucumber :)

Do you have any picture of your plec ?

Good luck :good:
ok, ill let him get settled first and get some veg in there for him. i havnt got any photos of him yet because i can figure how to upload them yet, mine are all bigger than 100kb.

thanks for all your help, its well appreciated
Edit your pictures in Paint. Press stretch skew and reduce them in size. I normally reduce mine to 25%

Boboboy.... Your signiture nearly killed my computer as I tried to swat it!
i am glad i am not the only one that tried to flick it off the screen lmao my excuse was it was late and i was very tired lol, my plecs love algae wafers and cucumber

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