Fantailed Goldfish

Kopix Nation

Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
Over the Rainbow
Where I live there is a koi/goldfish show near by and goldfish breeders from around the state come to sell and show their prized goldfish. :) I went to last years show and saw alot of cool goldfish. I was upset because I was not prepaired to see goldfish because the show was advertised as a KOI SHOW. It did not say anything about fancy goldfish. They were very nice fish some costing up to 150$$!
I saw the prettiest fantailed goldfish there and I am bound and determand to buy one from this year's show.... :sly: I only want to keep ONE fish. I am confused about the length they reach and have heard that some get as big as softballs!! :drool:
I was hoping to become more informed about this goldfish variety so that I may keep this fish as happy as possible so it will live a long and stress-free life with me.
Can you guys tell me all the need-to-knows about this fantailed goldfish such as feeding,tank size, etc??? Thanks Alot!


Goldfish actually are very social fish so wouldn't mind having company of another goldfish, however they can be kept alone, and shouldn't get stressed out because they don't have a companion (unlike, say, schooling fish such as tetras). I would say a 30 gallon would be great for a single goldfish, even a pair. Fancies will get atleast 6"-8" in length.
An important thing to have is HEAVY filteration. They do ok at room temperature. They should have a varied diet just like any other fish, with the main part being pellets (soaked first). Do lots of water changes (atleast 30% once a week) Ummm....I think thats it? Do a google search and I'm you'll find lots of info.
Oh trust me I feed all my fish VERY well... :D They have ummmm lets see..... Three kinds of frozen foods that I feed them in the afternoons with and ummmm.... six kinds of flake and dried foods... :hey: :thumbs: What can I say? I love to give my fish choices! :wub:
Goldfish can only be kept with fake plants correct? Because they eat any kind of live plant that could survive the cold temperature. :X As much as I would love to put real plants in the tank I know plastic would be best... true?
I just need to know anything important when raising this goldfish speices because this Koi/Goldfish Show is only once a year and I don't want to spend a fair amount of money on a juvinile fantail and have it die because I was not properly prepaired to take care of it.
Also about the filter system would a Aqua 30 power filter do the job?

I've got small amazon swords in with my goldfish and they haven't eaten them and the plants seem to be ok in cold water. I've also got what we in the UK always called 'oxygen plant' when I was a child. The goldfish do like to eat that but it grows so quickly it doesn't seem to matter!
Good luck with your new fish. :)

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