New Member
I’m hoping someone can help me. I have 2 large fantail fish which I have had for approx 5 years. One has a swim bladder issue which I have been trying to sort for some time now. I stopped surface feeding and went to sinking pallets, no changes, changed food to peas only for many months, no change, then have tried Epson Salts, no change. I noticed that this fish was pooping stringy, long, clear stuff, so that lead me to parasites which I have never done before. After getting advice from specialist fish store I treated the tank with Flubendazole being very careful to follow the instructions exactly. No changes during the first 4 days. I did a 50% water change at this point and redosed the tank. Disaster. After a couple more days both ended up on bottom of tank covered in white slime. Panic stations. Performed another 50% water change and monitored for 24 hours. No change to fish. Still on bottom lethargic, not interested in food. Online researched and didn’t know if I should aquarium salt dip them so phoned my store for further information. They suggested adding Melafix which I have just completed 4 days of treatment. No improvement, if anything she’s worse and tilting on her side. Arrrrrrhhhh. I don’t know what to do next. I feel 4 days is long enough to see some sort of improvement. They both did eat a pea each this morning cause I got worried that they had no fuel onboard. The only thing positive is she’s no longer got a swim bladder issue - I think. What should I do? I’m gutted.