Expensive Corys.

spooky: where did you order them from? just LFS?

from a friend of mine. he imports them, they will be here on the 8th August !! CANT WAIT !!

Oooh Spooky, just read your message, you jammy git - £8 for a selection including two adolfois - pah, my LFS charge roughly £20 for those! *sulks and stamps feet*

always had an eye for a bargain ;)

i got a pair of Albino and a black male bristlenose from the same guy i got the corys from.....

£16 !! heheheehehehehehehehe

I can get you some XL Corydoras weitzmani
£75 EACH !!

Nice pics in the other thread :)

I am aiming to get some weitzmani soon and they will be around £10 each ;)

The normal price for adults is around £24 according to monty at trimar and Ian Fuller when I last spoke to him
When all is said and done, it's all just a matter of supply and demand. If someone is selling a fish you just have to have, you'll pay whatever it costs, if you can afford to.

One of the most exciting experiences I've ever had was when I got into a bidding war with someone in the closing minutes of an AquaBid auction. The fish for sale were my black corys and they were a proven breeding group of five; it was the only chance to get them I would have.

Each time the other fellow topped my bid I gasped and bid higher. I was the winner, but it was just by luck. I found out later that he was in the process of sending in an even higher bid but did not get it in before time ran out.

BTW, the price I paid for them ended up being $250 plus shipping costs. Looking back, when I consider all the pleasure I've had breeding them and talking about them, :wub: they were well worth the cost. :D
For $250 I hope you got a tank to go with them *lmao*

I cant imagine ever paying so much for fish. The most I'd go up to would be £20 maybe for a baby plec - and that'd be pushing it.

Mind you, I wouldn't pay that for a dog knowing there were dogs in rescue, or for a games system when I could get it second hand cheaper. It's years of living with a tight a*se that's made me like this...
I went into my local fish shop yesterday. They had Albino Cories for £4.00 each. They told me they could get Pandas in but they'd be more expensive as they were rare???!!!

I already have pandas and they cost me £1.99 each from a different shop. I took a look at the other shop and they had loads of different kinds in there, bronze, albino, pepper, schwartzi, skunk and pandas - the pandas were the cheapest at £1.99 each (only little though - about 0.5 to 1 inch) the rest were between £3 and £5 (about 1 to 1.5 inch).

I like the pandas best - they are sweet and look like little fishy dogs sniffing about the bottom of the tank!!
Corys around here aren't too expensive... well, I think they are, but compared to the prices everyone else is listing, they aren't. My panda corys were $4 a piece or 3 for $10. I thought it was pretty expensive considering the price of other fish. I bought 3 juvenile mollies for $0.50 a piece once. I never really saw the price of other corys, but most of them are all the same price. I saw some big green corys for about $5... but it was probably because of their size. :nod:
The most I have ever paid for Corys was £50.00 each for 6 C65 C. sp "Guarana" These I am successfully breeding, although in small numbers and sell young at £10.00 each.

I am also breeding several other rare and unusual Corys such as C115, C120, C150, C. negro and C. weitzmani.

The retail price of Corys depends a lot on where your LFS has bought their fish from, far eastern fish farmed fish are a lot cheeper to buy in than wild and also the size they buy them also plays a part in the final retail price.

I was just wonder how rare Amapa Cories are consided to be? They were they only type of cory I could find in the area, I love 'um though! I think I paid something like US$2.80.

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