
Hey! I like that too!
Am never against another day off work ;)
Independance Day, well they could call it Brexit Day or Call Me Resigning Dave Day, I am flexible as long as we get that day off! :lol:
Congrats from "The Great States of Germany". You're the first to stand up and show your middle finger to Bruxelles. Be proud and fearless! Hoping Holl-and we'll be next.
I think there will a few other member states considering their position in the EU today. I believe France is one of them ... we shall see what happens :)
Akasha72 said:
I think there will a few other member states considering their position in the EU today. I believe France is one of them ... we shall see what happens :)
Won't be Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain etc..... hahahaha.
Think Denmark are rumoured to be thinking of doing some considerations of their EU position.
Though I thought they did something a couple years back?
A second independence referendum is "not in the best interests of Scotland", according to the leader of the Scottish Conservatives.
Ruth Davidson said she wanted to see "stability prioritised" in the wake of the Brexit vote.
"But I do not believe that a second independence referendum will help us achieve that stability," she said.
Finally, Someone with some sense.........
I also voted leave but i'm not as ecstatic as some because i liked the idea of the common market, it just seemed that the Blair government consistently handed over sovereignty to the point that it became unbearable, we could no longer trust that the laws in our country wouldn't be overuled by the EU courts. The problem for me was that cameron couldn't get our sovereignty back when he negotiated before calling the referendum.

I have just been listening to ken clarke on newsnight and he thinks that we have voted out because of syrian refugees, i don't believe that the majority of leave voters were so stupid to think that syrian refugees had anything to do with the EU referendum?! Immigration has never been part of my thinking when i voted and to be honest i don't think that it will go down very much in the future. I am however happy that we will now give as much credence to immigrants outside of the EU as inside because before we had to discriminate against those outside of the EU.

I most likely would have voted to remain in the common market if the old blair government hadn't gave away our sovereignty and big british businesses hadn't posted job adverts exclusively in eastern european countries excluding the country that they were operating in.

The pound has tanked and the ftse has fallen but i think that it will return to normality in the next couple of years - i just hope that there aren't many job losses in the short term and hope that those that we do lose come back in the medium term.

I've got to say that i'm dissapointed that cameron has stood down, in one sentence he said that we needed a perid of stability and the next he resigned which has obviously added to the uncertainty and harmed the stability that he was talking about.
I am glad for Englands ability to leave the farse of the EU, and now wait with baited breathe for the up coming Australian Federal Election where I hope our pollies take heed of what has happened in England. Not only do I hope our government gets a real lasting wake up call, but also that if Australia should get both major parties sitting on the back burner then we as a country can do something about the dangerous TPP agreement that Mr Turnbull forced upon us. For more information on the TPP look up The Dirtiest Deal You Never Heard Of.
Ch4rlie said:
Think Denmark are rumoured to be thinking of doing some considerations of their EU position.
Though I thought they did something a couple years back?
Denmark kept his own currency as well I believe. Hoping there will be somekind a (commercial) Union of the north western countries without any loss of national laws, regultations aso.

Still think it is a strange idea to let countries join of which one knows money only will flow just one way.

As said : I like the idea the UK did resist the Bruxelles arrogancy.
Untill now they thought they could tell anyone everything to the point "what they should have for breakfast".
what I would now like to see is the total colapse of the EU as we know it. That way we might actually be able to turn back the clock to how it began - just a trade deal and an agreement to be friends and no more.
We don't need anything more than that. All countries need to be free to trade with each other and all countries need to be friends. No more war, no more dictators telling everyone how is gonna be. Too many people hell bent on power and mass rule and it was that made me vote leave.
Immigration was less important to me. Yes, it's a problem that needs to be controlled. We are a small island, we can't accommodate millions and millions of people but I do accept that many of them are here to work. What worries me though is that the jobs those immigrants are doing - the low skilled ones - are jobs taken away from our own people.... kids that left school last year with no real idea of what they want to do ... they could be doing those low skilled jobs taken up with immigrants. That can't be right
I am getting increasingly fed up with all the negativity from the remain camp folks.

Bleating about how disastrous our future in the UK is going to be, businesses are going to crash, property prices are going to fall, prices of goods are going to go up, all of our children’s future is RUINED, woe is going to be us, armageddon is coming, the end is nigh and we blame all this on all BREXIT voters, its ALL the Brexit voters fault etcetera etcetera etcetera

Remember, it seems the remain camp is blaming most of these votes on the older generation, that means you are blaming your mums and dads, your aunts and uncles and your grandparents. Whom have all lived through both good and bad times, does that not make them to be in a more informed position than most of the younger generation who think they know it all, does this mean you only want all our 18 to 25 year olds generation to make these decisions on all our behalf?

Even the media is playing this up and making sensationalist headlines, exaggerating certain aspects and its all doom and gloom apparently with nothing to look forward to. It's clear which camp the BBC is supporting.

David Cameron resigning basically as a direct consequence of the brexit result.

Even Scotland is jumping on this bandwagon with threats of another independence referendum so that they can split from the UK and remain in the EU.
Its almost like reading the Daily Mail….

Does all this not smack of the remain camp of throwing their toys from the pram and tantrums happening because the remain camp did not get their way?

Please folks, stop the pettiness of blaming folks and of the pessimistic attitudes.

Can we not look forward to a future, albeit a bit of a uncertain future right now but things will, I am certain of this, will settle before too long and will almost be like normal but with a few key differences.

We will no longer be under the bureaucracy of the EU but for long term health of the UK this can only be a good thing.

Yes, we lose the stability of the free market and imports and exports will be a little more expensive, and things are a bit uncertain for the time being.

Do remember that the British government would still be bound by membership of Nato, the UN, the World Trade Organisation, and various treaties and agreements with other nations.

Voting to leave is a BRAVE decision and one that was not taken lightly at all. in fact it was taken with the bigger picture in mind FOR our children’s future.

Can we all not get together and make this into a more positive outlook, stop the squabbling, stop the pettiness, stop the tantrums, stop being so darned negative and make this country what it once was, a strong UNITED country and one that has the open mindedness to take everything into consideration and let democracy decide what we think would benefit this country of ours.

Mistakes will undoubtedly be made, this Brexit decision, I believe, is not one of those mistake, it's one thing that will undoubtedly shape our future from here on in, lets make it a future to be proud of if we stay together and accept that this is the road we are on, this is the hand we have dealt to ourselves, lets make the most of it.

Yes, it’s a toss of the coin, yes, it’s a roll of the dice but its the belief that we, as a nation, can do this, it's the belief that we have a backbone, it’s the belief that we have the strength to stand up for ourselves, Yes, we have a long way to go, but its the belief that it’s the RIGHT thing to do for ALL of us and for our future generations to come.

Hear Hear Ch4rlie. Completely 100% agree. To listen to the remain lot you'd think that the four horsemen were preparing to ride out (there's a discworld joke in there but I'll save it seen as only I'd understand it) 
The fact is that nothing is going to happen for four months ... not until we get a new prime minister (and yes the toys out the pram analogy fits very well) and even then it could take 2 years to be rid of the EU shackles. 
In that time we need to pull together and stop being so negative and mostly ...stop running round like chickens with their heads cut off while the media run round with the meat clever. Get a grip!!
oh good god ... over 2 million signatures on a petition for a 2nd referendum and an MP calling for the government to reject the Leave vote as it's not legally binding or something.
Stop the world ... I wanna get off 
Yup, just read that too.
Though its highly unlikely it will come into affect at all. What that is asking, is for any referendum that has too close a vote to be re-voted until at least there is a 60% majority to win with a turnout of 75% of UK people voting.
So if that was to pass and therefore if the next EU referendum comes to 55% Remain and 45% for Leave, its still too close, so another referendum would have to be taken and so on and so on forth until one side has a majority vote of at least 60% with a turnout of 75%.
Woud be a ForeveReferendum really....
AND the senir EU offical, Lord Hill has said he is to stand down as "what is done cannot be undone" after the UK voted to leave the European Union. Pretty much echoing exactly what Call Me Resigning Dave has just done.
Also just saw that Teresa May has commented that the UK should opt out of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) since being part of this was a requirement for joining the EU 40 odd years ago! Though she did say that back in April 2016....but still

Yup, the UK has simply gone mad, bonkers, dooally..........
it's all a little bit insane isn't it. To me, Dodgy Dave should have done the Article 50 thing on Friday morning and we'd not even be having this arguement. The fact that he's deferred it till he leaves in October has just given those wanting to remain the idea that somehow they can reverse the decision.
There's a picture come up on facebook of a crying toddler with the Quote "I cry about Democracy" ... "unless I don't get what I want and then I'll throw a tantrum all over facebook"
How very true! 

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