
seriously? wow ... there really are no depths that 'Claggy' will sink to are there...
If you have to resort to swearing and name calling you've already lost the argument.
oh there's another post on facebook this morning ... appealing to anyone over 60 and planning to vote leave to put their bigotry aside and consider the younger generation ...
What the hell??? I'm 44 and I consider myself an intelligent person. I may not have a long list of qualifications but for what I lack in GCSE's I have gained in pure common sense. But ... I consider that the older generation are far wiser than me ... it's something you gain with age. If the older generation are mostly 'out' then I'm willing to consider the wiseness of their decision. 
But all that considered ... I was brought up with manners. I was taught to mind my own business but these days I'm often astounded by the sheer rudeness of our population. If you don't agree with them you are labelled a bigot or a racist or what ever term they can come up with to make others think your wrong.
Just were did the politeness go? and where did we lose the ability to consider the fact that we can't all always agree and that is perfectly fine. It's what makes the world go around
Freedom of speech is waning in the face of political correctness and if you don't agree with the view that's seen to be politically correct you're an outcast for having a different view.
I'm seeing that sort of behaviour more and more, and not just from blinkered people, it's being driven by media outlets such as the BBC.
I don't know what is driving it Far King but I'm seeing far too much of it and not just with political views. In this modern society we seem to think that it's okay to judge others. Whether that's by giving someone who's overweight a dirty look and telling yourself they live on take away and that they a disgusting or whether it's by calling someone a racist because they want to vote to leave the EU.
We seem to think that's it's okay to hang a label on every person we see or pass in the street these days. We don't know that person, nor the challenges that they may face, but it's okay to decide in a split second what or who they are. It NOT okay ... 
I think  a lot of the judging of strangers stems from the so called "reality" tv that television stations foisted on the public (simply because its cheap and doesnt require any actual script writters), Joe Bloe public is encouraged to judge the "constestants" and in really vile shows like Big Brother they encourged the contestants to eliminate fellow contestants on the flimsity of reasons. Viewers then see this and think its ok to judge everyone based purely on what some clever editing presents to the viewers.
What I really hate is how the teenagers are suckered into the whole judgemental mindset, being encouraged to waste money ringing in to vote for their favourite person and then bad mouth and degrade any they dont like via social media.
The old saying Monkey See Monkey Do is true and sadly we are seeing the results of kids seeing adults degrade other adults (and in some cases kids) and are taught that behaviour is acceptable.
Well it looks like the UK has spoken and the voice of the people is going to get its way, if the vote remains leave I pass on my congratulations.
yes ... just waking up to this momentous news. It feels a bit like a dream at the moment but I'm really happy ... and even better still to rich posh boy at the top as resigned ... about time
That was about as close as you can get on a vote that size.  Incredible.
As for the financial markets being "scared".  Nothing has changed yet?  And won't for some time since we won't start any proceedings until at least October when Cameron's successor is announced.  Glad he's off though, he lost all credibility for me.  Take Osborne too, there's a good chap.
agreed Far_King ... he's like a giggling school boy begging every one to like him.
Who do we reckon will be the new Prime Minister then?
Gove has said he didn't want it.  I reckon Boris or Teresa May will be the strongest candidates.
in that case I hope it's Boris ... I can't stand that Teresa May woman
Heh, reading this thread made me laugh to myself.

Seeing both sides of the argument from other folks perspective is interesting actually.

The weeks leading up to voting day yesterday I genuinely was unsure which way to vote. Remain in my opinion was being 'safe' and Leave was a gamble, a roll of the dice as no one can surely predict reliably for sure what would happen.

The scaremongering and insult throwing between various parties and politicians showed just how low they can go and left folks wondering how on earth can trust be given to any of these politicians if they resort to school playground insults and doctoring 'fact' and polls.

In the end I voted leave for the simple fact that I do not want the UK to be governed by other countries, in particular Germany.

Europe in general seems be becoming more and more like the "Great States of Germany"....

Also I think by leaving the EU we have taken the brave step of standing up for ourselves and being in more control of our own affairs that counts as important.

"Fools" I hear the remain camp shouting but honestly I think in voting leave we have take the first step in bring back the 'Great' back into Great Britain.

This will take probably many, many years before we will see the real results and hopefully, the U.K, will be a country to be proud of once more.

I for one, look forward with bated breath to seeing our children take control of a country that is not governed by 28 other countries.

Let's roll the dice......
As an outsider, all I can say is Happy Independence Day, United Kingdom!

Now let us all come together to destroy the abomination that is the U.N.

I am unable to give an opinion as to the next Prime Minister. But as for the petulant child that heads our government and his meddling in your affairs, well my opinions are not fit for family viewing.
the leader of the UK Independence Party that started all of this has called for June 23rd to be a bank holiday from now on and for that day to be known as Independence Day .... I rather like that idea :)

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