My cleanup crew varies as things come and go...
At one point, I had:
3 nassarius snails
3 cerith snails
1 Astrea snail
1 Margarita snail
1 Bumblebee snail
Hermit crabs - Something along the lines of 4 each, red & blue leg...
Right now, my numbers are a bit down.
2 Nassarius snails (one is now a hermit shell, don't know if the hermit got him before or after he died)
0 cerith snails - no idea what happened, just haven't seen them in a long time
1 bumblebee snail
1 astrea snail
0 margarita snail - got stuck between my mag-float and the top of the aquarium and when the water level dropped a bit, he died. Duh me.
4 or 5 hermits - I think I have 4 blue leg and 1 red leg.
Next time I'm up at the lfs, I'm going to pick up a few more snails.
I don't have any shrimp, but no real reason why not.
At one point, I had:
3 nassarius snails
3 cerith snails
1 Astrea snail
1 Margarita snail
1 Bumblebee snail
Hermit crabs - Something along the lines of 4 each, red & blue leg...
Right now, my numbers are a bit down.
2 Nassarius snails (one is now a hermit shell, don't know if the hermit got him before or after he died)
0 cerith snails - no idea what happened, just haven't seen them in a long time
1 bumblebee snail
1 astrea snail
0 margarita snail - got stuck between my mag-float and the top of the aquarium and when the water level dropped a bit, he died. Duh me.
4 or 5 hermits - I think I have 4 blue leg and 1 red leg.
Next time I'm up at the lfs, I'm going to pick up a few more snails.
I don't have any shrimp, but no real reason why not.