EMERGENCY! Dying fish. Bullied guppy. Need help

How is he doing right now? Is it possible for you to get us some more photos?

Deciding to euthanize is not always easy. You need to feel comfortable with it, but you also don’t want to let the fish suffer. A lot of people struggle with making e decision in the best interest of the fish.
here are some photos, the reason the water is blue is because of the medications.
I just took a new photo of fu:

here are some photos, the reason the water is blue is because of the medications.
I just took a new photo of fu:

View attachment 144643
He is not looking good at all. I’m afraid he isn’t going to get better, and will only suffer until he passes. If you feel comfortable and agree, you should get some clove oil as soon as possible. Ultimately it is up to you, but I would advise doing it as soon as possible
That fish is suffering/dying. He won't recover. I'm nearly certain of it. I think it's kinder to euthanize him. He will die on his own in a few days most likely but I wouldn't allow my fish to die slowly like that.
He is not looking good at all. I’m afraid he isn’t going to get better, and will only suffer until he passes. If you feel comfortable and agree, you should get some clove oil as soon as possible. Ultimately it is up to you, but I would advise doing it as soon as possible

That fish is suffering/dying. He won't recover. I'm nearly certain of it. I think it's kinder to euthanize him. He will die on his own in a few days most likely but I wouldn't allow my fish to die slowly like that.
Hes just getting worse and worse. I have made the tough desiosion to put him to death. Dad said he would do it. Were gonna do something like the clove oilnthat wont make him suffer in any way at all.
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Hes just getting worse and worse. I have made the tough desiosion to put him to death. Dad said he would do it. Were gonna do something like the clove oilnthat wont make him suffer in any way at all.
I’m glad you feel comfortable with that, I think it’s the best decision. You’re doing a great job. Im so sorry. :-(
Hang on....

The 22 gallon (that you thought was 14 gallon til several members corrected you in your other threads).....you have questioned potential stock....everything from saltwater Clownfish to freshwater Angels & full size Gourami in the last few days (including today)...how can you put the Guppy (if it survives) into that same 22 gallon aquarium when it will not be ready for habitation til end of November/start of December and any/all of your other stocking variations (most of which you have already been told are unsuitable)?

You were advised against the Guppies with the Betta over a week ago due to the potential aggression issues with the Betta attacking the Guppy.....and now, low and behold, the Guppy is all messed up after the Betta attacked it. Why didn't you move the Guppies out before the Betta almost killed them? You were warned not to keep them together.

Please start taking notice of what you are told, none of us tell you things for the sake of it.....you need to absorb and learn, not continue doing your own thing regardless.
You are unignored.
Being ignored is fine. Not my loss in the grand scheme of things called life.

However I will always place the care of the fish first in cases where the "owner" is unwilling or to follow good and competent advice regarding their care, since the animals are always the ones who suffer the most by ignorance and impatience..
You are unignored, I know you give great advice. I have ceirten barriers with this fishkeeping thing and sometimes things people say are not an option for me. I went online and bought an ammonia and nitrite test kit so i know when its safe to add my fish to the 22 gallon.
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This threads really deviated from its topic can admin clean this up the lads issue was a dieing guppy and we’ve all moved well on since what the post was about
I’m sorry for the fishes loss but this guy isn’t listening to most of us yet we’re the ones having to Hypothetically watch his poor fish suffer

has the inevitable happend already if so RIP Fish maybe your owner may pay more attention to things now that you were a lesson learnt!

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