EMERGENCY! Dying fish. Bullied guppy. Need help

Fu's getting worse. He can barly flap his flippers and hes just lying on the floor. Hes breathing very quickly, is this normal. He cant falp his flippers as much.

Thanks! My bettas also called samurai and i call my cherry shrimp the scavenger ninjas.
Those symptoms could be due to a variety of things... But the first thing that popped into my head (I could be wrong as this is just an educated guess) but nitrate poisoning. The symptoms do match what you've mentioned... Have you noticed any sort of bulge or "growth-like" thing on him?
Those symptoms could be due to a variety of things... But the first thing that popped into my head (I could be wrong as this is just an educated guess) but nitrate poisoning. The symptoms do match what you've mentioned... Have you noticed any sort of bulge or "growth-like" thing on him?
i will check now, no. Hes just lying there and he looks the same.
How much longer do u think he will last.
He was mostly likely injured internally by the betta. Maybe overnight? He will most likely go within the next 3 days if there is no improvement. If he lasts much longer with no improvement, you might consider euthanizing him.
Does the clove oil strategy hurt them, if it does are there ANY ways that wont make them uncomfterble or feel pain. If there are no harmless ways im not doing it. Hopefully i wont have to but i like to be prapered.
I would recommend reading an article or two about it. In general, you do a small bit of clove oil and they fall asleep or something, then you do more and it causes their body to shut down painlessly. I would talk to some other members about dosing though
ill give him another 1 or 2 days first.
How is he doing right now? Is it possible for you to get us some more photos?

Deciding to euthanize is not always easy. You need to feel comfortable with it, but you also don’t want to let the fish suffer. A lot of people struggle with making e decision in the best interest of the fish.

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