Dolphin Slaughter

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do yall eat hamburger or pork.???
because thats the way that they slaughter them. so theoritically, you would have to sin petetions againts that too, which is peta, and they need to define animal, and by there defition, we would be included, yet they support abortion??
i dont like pita. can you tell?!?! lol.
i hunt, can you tell??? again, lol
though, dont get me wrong, i agree whole heartedly that a new method needs to be used, but it is in japan, and there really isnt much we can do.
it isnt our government, and it isnt illegal to kill them in japan.

sry, but we cant do anything.

ps: that was a very deppresing video.
OMG this is terrible... i can't believe such thing is possible, i mean how cant they see that the dolphins are contorting in agony... just shoot them for god's sake, if you HAVE to kill them!!
I agree that this is horrible and I would like a ban on the slaughter of all whales and dolphins, but before we start going on about how barbarian other countries are - could we please stop and think a little about the food industry in the US and the UK? I am not against meat-eating at all, but there are serious issues about the way meat is produced in our own countries, so maybe we should not be too quick to assume that cruelties in other countries are due to some essential character flaw in other races. I know that the rules governing e.g. chicken farming in this country are way behind those in some of the northern countries, but I am not ready to start bombing the British yet- I'd rather try to convince them.
Not trying to condone what they do , but I think we need to understand that these people have a different culture than we do as do most countries outside the western europe/America Group.

I shouldn't think these people like doing this job anymore than someone working in a factory in England likes their jobs,and they need to feed their families just as we do.

While we continue to enjoy cheap TVs, Stereos (and almost everything else we buy now China has become a major exporter) we complain that the workers who get paid a pittance for keeping us materialistic 'westerners' happy do things like this.

Like all walks of life around the world. Customs and the need to look after your family control your actions to some extent.

We forget that we are fortunate enough in UK and America and some other countries that even at the bottom of the financial ladder that even though we complain we are pretty comfortable, in nice warm houses, with a huge selection of food cheaply available, and 2 cars in every drive, so therefore we can choose what we want to do and support etc. whereas other's aren't so fortunate.

All the same I do think its pretty sick and shouldn't happen, but I don't suppose a desperate father of 4 would listen to a petition whilst trying to earn some money to buy his children some food.

I suppose I will get hammered for saying this but it is true.
Its no different than loading a herd of cows into the slaughter house to make burgers..? or are we all vegetarians on this site.?
Its no different than loading a herd of cows into the slaughter house to make burgers..? or are we all vegetarians on this site.?
Generally they walk in on their own power and are killed humanely. Not dragged in on their faces and cut open while still alive.
Just sayin.
Its very different, cows and other farmed livestock are bred and raised to be eaten in the same way as vegetables and fruits are grown, their slaughter to provide meat does not deplete the earth of animals that are already on the brink of extinction.
The people who carry out barbaric practices like this are ignorant scum which dont deserve the oxygen they breathe, the rest of the civilised world have pointed out the fragility of the seas to them time and time again but they see it as their right to catch torture and kill anything they can. Two atom bombs wasnt enough in my opinion, THEY should have been driven to extinction and made the world a better place.
I dont mean literally, it would be very difficult to get 300 dolphins to swim gently into the bay where they would lie still while humanely killed, its the way it has to be and thats it.

And CFC, im guessing your American due to your uneducated rant about atom bombs!
Cattle have their heads lifted and their throats cut while still alive. To me thats not humane. Pigs and sheep are stunned and then hoisted up and have their throats slit as well.

How can we condone how one nation gets its food when we are no better.
I love dolphins and whales like most westerners but they are seen as another food source in the East.
How they go about it is barbaric and not justified but we need to look at our own back yard before stepping on to someone elses.
Seeing those dolphins dragged through the town and then throats slit while still alive is horrific and some one somewhere needs to say enough is enough, but who can? We can sign petitions till the cows come home but nothing will stop it. The japanese have restarted whaling again and after a bit of murmuring nothing has been done to stop it.

I think as well some of the comments against the japanese to be inflammatory and shouldnt be made on a public forum despite how you feel about things. Im sure not all Japanese are behind this practice just as we arent all behind the way we slaughter animals for meat.
I'm all for the banning of dolphin slaughters like the one pictured.
However i don't think it's right, or fair to use that as a vehicle for bovine rights as well. The two are totally different and deserve to be discussed as two totally seperate topics.
(for the record, i was talking about pneumatically slaughtered cattle, not the bled out ones. thats cruel)
Black is right.
We do the same to cows, wich isnt right in my mind and slaughter houses arnt a very nice place to be.
There are however some farms in the uk that give the livestock a better quality of life all be it a little shorter than a wild animal. Different cultures think differently as we all know. Im sure kev didn't mean it against the whole of japan, lets face it its a bad video and for someone that loves aquatics to see it is hard and emotional and i preety sure most of these posts have been wrote in the following mins after seeing this film. Im sure if you went to a cow forum on a japaese website and they showed our way of killing cows they would be angry to.
Jus my 2 cents
Greg :good:
For anyone wishing to help stop the dolphin culls then look here and send emails to the government behind it all

How many of you know its happening much closer to home? I remember from the news that fishermen in orkney or shetland regularly round up dolphins and needlessly slaughter them.

Even in the waters around Britain fishermen will shoot dolphins.
Yeh thats going to help, send an email!!! if only i had of thought of
Cattle have their heads lifted and their throats cut while still alive. To me thats not humane. Pigs and sheep are stunned and then hoisted up and have their throats slit as well.
That is for Kosha or Hilal foods. More humane methods of slaughter are employed for people who do not subscribe to religions that require cruel slaughter to satiate a god's desire.

Is this practice much worse than the Greeks who cut the dorsal fins off of sharks and then put the shark back in the water for a slow death? Or the heavy trawling which destroys acres of coral around the UK shores (remembering coldwater corals take far longer to grow than tropical corals)? both cause huge amounts of distress, and one causes massive ecological destruction taking out an entire habitat rather than just one animal.

It is obviously cruel, but just targeting Japan would be wrong as the hunting of Dolphins is done by the Faroe Islands, Solomon Islands and Peru to name but three of the major participants.

Also interesting is that not all dolphins are killed in the hunts, with some being exported to... yes, Seaworld.

From reading wiki (I have not watched the video to confirm as I am at work) I would guess that the video is the notorious one from Futo in October 1999. Since that time the killing of Dolphins by slitting of the throat has been banned and a long metal pin must be driven into the spine for a far quicker kill (though this is not yet outlawed in the Faroe Islands). While the practice may continue, it is at least banned in Japan.

If it truly is the now out of date video it is a shame that it is being circulated again without pointing out that this was some time ago and offical practices have now changed. However sensationalism is often more important to Animal Rights campaigners than true facts and cold sensible debate.
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