Do You Name Your Fish?

Do you name your fish?

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I didn't vote because there wasn't an option for 'My partner names them against my will'...
My betta is called Apollo creed! And my dwarf Congo frog is kermit!
My school of albino corydoras are called "The Blonde Guys" even though a few of them are girls. I've also referred to my Emperor Tetras as "The Prowlers" because they are always sneaking around and taking food from other fish, lil buggers lol.
Great, keep the info coming, I don't feel so alone now!
I name my bettas...I have a Purple/Pink Veiltail - Rockstar....a Blue Veiltail - Ol' Blue....and a Blue Crowntail - Flare

I have some of my platys named. My Sunset platy female is Bonnie, like the character on family guy cause she is ALWAYS preggo. I had a swordtail named Big Haas, who was the mackdaddy of my tank, but he succumbed to old age.
i name the ones that I can tell apart- if i don't name them i get nagged :p

Paradise Fish- Guerrero
Betta- Sir Spok (betcha didn't know spok got a knighthood huh? :lol: )
Rosey Barbs- Fred and George (can't tell them apart) Tweeky, Iffy, Derek Morgan, Bouncer and Supernova
Guppy- Stewart acording to my sister
Black female Platy- Menphis
Cow patterned male platy- Eric
Short Finned Minnows- Mr. Minnow (both of them)

the two long finned minnows, the ruby barbs and bleeding hearts are still awaiting names
Guppy tank = no, there are too many

Mbuna tank = just 1 out of 18 have a name, the large ACEI "Mr. Oink"

135 gallon tank = The 3 Clown Loaches are all named "Dennis" (after Dennis the Menace.)
Back ghost knife is "Rocko"
Large Pleco is "Paco"
Small Pleco is "Squirt"
The Rainbows are not named.
Guppy tank = no, there are too many

Mbuna tank = just 1 out of 18 have a name, the large ACEI "Mr. Oink"

135 gallon tank = The 3 Clown Loaches are all named "Dennis" (after Dennis the Menace.)
Back ghost knife is "Rocko"
Large Pleco is "Paco"
Small Pleco is "Squirt"
The Rainbows are not named.
I would love to have a black ghost knife, but I know they are not for the unexperienced fishkeeper. Maybe one day I will reach the level where I am comfortable enough to get one lol. They are such beautiful fish.
My platy are named Sooty and Sweep whilst the shrimp are all called Pope Herbert the I, II, III etc... :p I never got round to naming the cardinals but my nerite snail is called Gene Hunt..... Cos he's so like the tv charater somehow
I name my bettas, my dad likes to name my community he named one of my guppies aunt gloria...idk why i don't even have an aunt gloria balloon mollies are sandy and milly my guppies were floatsam and jetsam (like the eels from the little mermaid) but one of them died...and I name my shrimp and snails too :) My assassin snails are osama bin laden and saddam hussein :)
My lobsters are
Dada-chum and Dada-chee (stephen king reference)

We have a platy named No-Tail (he lost his entire tail in a lobster attack when they shared a tank and survived then grew in a clear tail where it was previously black.

We have a Jumbo neon tetra named Tank Because every time we tried adding tetras we failed but he was our first and survived even the first lobster hatch before they had a species tank.

My dempsy has been named Big Boy because he is getting huge.

I know my wife has named her mollies

I will stop there as we have a lot of fish :p
I name some of my fish I have
Albie-albino veil tail bnp
Goldie- golden nugget pleco
Rod,Jane,Freddie,George and zippy- 5 dwarf neon rainbow fish
Trooper- my longest living guppy
Apollo- blue/purple guppy
Finn & Quinn - dwarf flame gouramis
Toyah- purple/pink mystery snail
Hum & Bug- nerite snails
I have 2 mollies and 1 platy.

The orange molly is completely orange all over, but has a black patch over one eye, and she definately considers herself the boss of the tank especially at feeding times, so we named her Pirate.

The dalmation molly, when not trying to avoid being noticed by Pirate, loves her reflection. So we named her Edie, after the Greek God Oedipus who was in love with his own reflection.

Havnen't decided on a name for the platy yet though. Has an orange face and then the rest of her body is a bit dalmation-y. The orange molly, despite having a grudge against Edie, has adopted the platy who "shoals" with her and they swim together in a pair.
My lobsters are
Dada-chum and Dada-chee (stephen king reference)
No "dod-a-chock"? lol
We have a platy named No-Tail (he lost his entire tail in a lobster attack when they shared a tank and survived then grew in a clear tail where it was previously black.

We have a Jumbo neon tetra named Tank Because every time we tried adding tetras we failed but he was our first and survived even the first lobster hatch before they had a species tank.

My dempsy has been named Big Boy because he is getting huge.

I know my wife has named her mollies

I will stop there as we have a lot of fish :p
"Betta- Sir Spok (betcha didn't know spok got a knighthood huh? :lol: )"

Are you a Trekkie, or is this a person I don't know about? If you are a Trekkie, you spelled Spock wrong, so shame on you. If you're not a Trekkie, sorry for the misconception, but I am a Trekkie, so I try to find other Trekkies to talk to.

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