Do You Eat Your Pet Fish When They Die?

Does anyone know how to fillet a tetra??? :lol:

...why bother... chop off the head and wipe it's ass and its good to go... 10 or 20, deep fried in batter.... whitebait stylee...
That video of the guy eating 20 live minnows is disgusting. Who in their right mind would do that? I hope he got what he deserved and got sick from them.
this is just the same as asking hey would you eat your pet dog if it died, or your horse...... :lol: :blink:

Hot Dogs? :lol:

This thread is great! :rofl:

Surely anyone who likes there pets though isnt going to eat them when they die. :no: If you get emotionly involved with something your not going to eat it.

Think my budgies are safe. I aint eating them and Ozzy Ozborne is in America. :rofl:

I definitely wouldn't eat my included. However........ :lol: I could picture myself eating the evidence, when I've accidently bumped off the old man when hes been a pest!!!!!! :lol:
I am completely joking here.....but am finding this thread very amusing.
Actually, I think people who eat oysters raw are gross. I mean, really, they're just snotty filters...
I did not read through everyone's posts but I'm intruiged :p I love eating fish - I adore sushi - but, and I suppose I have major double-standard issues, I'd never eat my own fish, nor any other 'pet' fish. The same, actualy, applies to many other animals. My uncle has sheep, goats and chickens. He doesn't kill them as he keeps them as a hobby but, every now and again, he needs to get rid of a surplus rooster (as the males fight) and his wife always kills it and cooks it. I can never eat those. I suppose I simply cannot eat someone I've met ;) I also don't eat things that were cooked alive (ie: many shellfish, snails etc) and I could never eat any gourami, even if it had been raised for food as I'd feel like I was eating a dog or a horse (and though some people do eat dogs and horses, I never could). As for stuffing a fish and putting it on the wall or whatever - nope, I'd never do that. Would you stuff your dead cousin or dead cat and put them on display?:p Even if it wasn't my own fish or even one of the species kept in aquariums, I'd never keep any kind of 'stuffed' animal on display in my house - and that extends to things like foxes or deer that some people seem to think look nice with those fake eyes and in grotequely unnatural poses sittin in the middle of their living rooms.:sick:
Actually, I think people who eat oysters raw are gross. I mean, really, they're just snotty filters...
We dissected oysters in my zoology class, that'll make you never want to eat them raw or otherwise... They're like one huge reproductive organ. :lol:

Mmmm, gonads.
once a pet always a pet...unless you intended to grow and eat it....LOL
Ive once eaten horse, wasn't too bad, though its not high on my dinner list. and if i had met that animal, no way could i do it.
Your such a weirdo durbkat. . Of course I eat my fish, DUH! They get really tastey especially if they have fin rot. . JK, what do you think of us durbkat? Do you think were aliens? . Well you dont have to answer that question for security reasons.


Arrowhead there
was no need to call him a weirdo, maybe a strange question, but there is no need for name calling, i think you should apologise.
No I don't think you guys are aliens just crazy cannabals. :shifty: P.S nice sig

Hey well this thread has taken off just remember guys "Fish are Friends NOT food"

Most of the giant fish we crave are food fish in native lands (think TSN and Pacu in Amazon, though not RTC as I believe the locals do not like the colour of the flesh). Sadly few of my fish are large enough for me to think about eating them...Maybe when I have larger fish...

On the farmyard animal line, the bass player in a band I was once in lived on a farm and they had a load of animals. The cow had a baby bull and it was called Little Mac. Guess what Little Mac grew to become as he got BIGger... Not only eating a pet, but making fun of the fact too. Gotta love us yocals...
I suppose I simply cannot eat someone I've met ;)

Good answer, I like that. :lol:

We dissected oysters in my zoology class, that'll make you never want to eat them raw or otherwise... They're like one huge reproductive organ. :lol:

Mmmm, gonads.

Rocky mountain oysters anyone?? :p :sick: (But that's a whole other topic on nasty foods........)

This is such a strange topic. Me thinks there's something in the water in Minnesota.............. ;)

Guess I'll add my two cents. I could never eat my pet fish. One, they're all way to small, even the B. pugnax, wouldn't even count for an appetizer; and Two, I'm with sylvia, I could never eat someone (animals or humans) that I knew unless I were in a survival situation........ but I'd rather not think about that.

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