Diy Cave

I like it!

Reminds me of halo *(the game) its like a little bunker.
haha thank you

and sorry missed the other posts, i used acrylic bought from B&Q and no i was not able to cut with scissors it was a little to thick and brittle for that but i did use a Stanley knife to score and cut pieces off, was very annoying to use tbh, the plastic i used, is the stuff used for windows but it is strong and sturdy did not buckle or break under the weight of the sand,
and i covered mine in sand so i had no problem with it sinking :D
well a little update not much i took this cave out a few weeks ago and personally i think the tank looks better altho the fish loved it, it was causing me problems with bad flow and poop and plant matter getting stick inside it and i was unable to clean it out so ye was a huge problem with that and the fact it have SO much algae growing on it
not sure tbh think i may sell it 
Zik... I'll be honest, at first I when I was looking through the pictures of your glued up plastic bits, I thought to myself "what the hell is that.." but after seeing the finished product I have to eat my words.
Just fantastic! Good job my friend! :)
cheers metka i was also thinking the same with :p looked like i was making a space ship at one point :p and it was annoying me so much with all the cellotape and stuff i almost gave up but i stuck in there :D haha 
£25 but you will haft to collect as it weights a lot and probably be more than that for postage
This cave is amazing!! I have to ask, what program did you use for the 3D modeling?
i used Sketchup by google :) free and easy to use :)
Zikofski said:
i used Sketchup by google
free and easy to use
I didn't know you could do modeling like that with the 3D version of sketchup! I'll have to look into that. I've never thought about making my own aquarium decor, this is something I'm definitely going to have to try this!
oh yes its no way near as in depth or as good as some of the paid 3D modelling programs but for a beginner it is really good, i have also designed my new cabinet as well got a link to that in the signature if you wanted to see it in a different view
and yes creating your own decor is good and can be cheaper but best of all its how you like it :D

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