Discus Tank

as above. i think i will just add all 5 in.

so my final tank would be

5 discus
1 GD plec
and 2 corydoras.
A word of warning. IME, GN's are latchers. Get rid of it before it kills a Discus, rather than waiting untill after. They latch for the slime coat (It's high protien, and being a Byransistrus, GN's need lots of high-protien food) and leave lasting damage that will caurse bacterial infections for the Discus, as well as unsightly scale damage for a week or two after :sad:

Also, a lot of Corries won't like the heat of a Discus tank (see your thread in New World Cichlids for details on Discus tank temperature) so you need to choose the species you add with care to avoid them melting :nod: And the final note is that Corries need a group of 4+

Other than that, you current plan sounds OK :nod:

All the best
the cories are in a 2 as i was given them, they have bred so much be happy and well.

what could i put with the 4 discus? i was thinking shoal of something and couple bottom feeders.
the cories are in a 2 as i was given them, they have bred so much be happy and well.

what could i put with the 4 discus? i was thinking shoal of something and couple bottom feeders.

I thought you said you were going to put 5 Discus in?? 4 is risky.

How about a shoal of Cardinals and more Corydora? Bristle Nose Pleco is fine.
amybe....4 discus and 2 rams and lots of khuli loches ( i love them)
The OP I think was just looking for validation on an idea he had. Since then he has received the best of advice yet fails to follow such advice. You can't help someone who won't help themselves.
Hi DanielH, you need to watch the advice on Discus here you get alot of bad replys from people who may not even keep discus but have jumped on the band wagon from other peoples advice.

I have and know lots of people who have kept all sorts of fish with different numbers of discus with no problems, if you do buy them small just keep on top of the feeds and water changes and you'll be fine, thousands of people won't even do that most LFS will sell discus to anyone without asking a single question about set up.

That said discus will be easier to keep if you but biggest and most you can house and afford, just feed little and often with lots of nice water changes!
amybe....4 discus and 2 rams and lots of khuli loches ( i love them)

Discus and Rams will be fine. Kuli Loaches have a fifty-fifty chance. It works for some, doesn't others :good: I would strongly advise getting another Discus to make five though, four will realy hammer the runt (they are rather agressive to their own kind) and you may be forced into getting a fith if you start with four, should the runt be getting hammered to a point where s/he stops feeding. Introducing a lone fish is also asking for trouble mind... My two original Discus pinned four new ones into the top, front, right corner of the tank for a full week and would not let them move or feed for the whole time... :/ It took a month or two for them to be fully alowed near to food at dinner time also :rolleyes: Introducing one Discus to an established group is definately a risk IME.

All the best
^ above 2

...great advice guys cheers. will buy 5 and 2 rams then. will start planting tank soon
imo rams and discus dont mix to well, well i had problems anyway

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