Discus Tank


New Member
Apr 14, 2009
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hi there

im looking at setting up a discus tank with my 220L tank.

i was thinking of having bogwood/plants and sand.

inhabitant being my golden nugget plec(already have him) and 4 discus(not bought yet)?

anything i need to be aware of?
hi there

im looking at setting up a discus tank with my 220L tank.

i was thinking of having bogwood/plants and sand.

inhabitant being my golden nugget plec(already have him) and 4 discus(not bought yet)?

anything i need to be aware of?

220L is about bare minimum for Discus although with good filtration this should be fine,

I would opt for 5 Discus and the GN, In numbers less than 5 Discus aggression can be a problem.

Also make sure you get good sized Discus, If you go for young fish i.e. around2-3 inches then you will need to be doing multiple daily feeds and multiple weekly water changes in order for them to put on good growth. Young Discus will quickly become stunted if this isn't done.
5 would be ok?

also is there type of discus?
i have seen some in my LFS-red devil iirc...looked nice.
5 would be ok?

also is there type of discus?
i have seen some in my LFS-red devil iirc...looked nice.

red Devil is another cichlid, but might be a common name used in your particular LFS to describe a Discus colour ???

There are many varieties such as Pigeon Blood, Turquise, Snakeskin, etc.., All of which can go together.
Judging by your post, are you sure you are ready to keep Discus? Have you looked into their needs? Are you up for 5-6 feedings a day and daily water changes?
5-6 feeding a day i couldn't manage but i could do 4 with ease.

i have kept cichlids etc and want to move on. i bred firemouths etc but now its time for something new.
5-6 feeding a day i couldn't manage but i could do 4 with ease.

i have kept cichlids etc and want to move on. i bred firemouths etc but now its time for something new.

I was doing 4 but without power feeding they where getting stunted I am also assuming you will not be setting up a BB tank which is unfriendly to juvy fish. You need to make sure you get adult fish in your case. Firemouths and other cichlids have no comparison to Discus. Although Discus aren't particularly weak fish, they require much more work then others. I would also recommend not keeping Pleco with Discus. Although people get away with it, some can latch onto the Discus and suck their slime coat off. :crazy:
I suggest not going for discus.They are very pretty fish, but require lots of care and are demanding fish. They are not for beginners.
i would love discus but the price puts me off!
same. i think i could probly keep them but i think 5 is too costly. im thinking start with 3 and add when i get funds


No offense, but you are setting up for disaster...
any ideas then?

Add 5 at a time. You introduce three first, they think they are the king of the aquarium. When you add the other two, the old fish are going to think they are invading their territory and go into kill mode. If you cannot save up to get 5 at a time, then you will need to add the new guys no longer then a month after the others were introduced.

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