Discus Questions

i went and bought two proven pairs last night,a pair of red mellons and a pair of lemon chrystals cant see how they called lemons lol,they are really large and stunning coloured, the man gave me 4 large ones free, and wow they are stunning,hes packed up fish keeping.iam well happy and i got the two pair for next to nothing,so i ended up with 8 for really not alot of money,so iam going to buy another tank tomorow,and breed i hope. they are feeding really well and they only went in the tank at 7,olock last night,iam a really happy man,cant wait to breed them hes had young off 2 of the pairs and eggs off the others so iam well happy,,kenny
You're not going to keep us in suspense too long are you Kenny? We want pics!
i will jim when i find the lead for the camera,took some shots of them last night am over the moon with these fish they are stunning, i will post as soon as i can get the cable,i need another tank asap,4ft i will have one by the weekend so i can set these away. the fella i got them off told me they would breed right away he wasnt telling lies they guarding the down pipe on the pump,i love them really nice,,kenny

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