Demm's 55g

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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nah they arent, i've had them for a while now. about 2 months. it was the tang that started the ich. but ever since i got the UV sterilizer nothing has had an ich problem since at all.
Interesting. I dont hear a lot of people attribute uv sterilizers to the end of their ich problems...maybe I should look into getting on :p
well maybe it wasnt the uv that ended mine. but ive had no problems since then. maybe the fish just got over the ich lol
well i've had just about enough of my stupid cyano. i used to feed a bit every day, no more. only once every 2 days for now like i had used to.

i also bought 15 astrea snails to munch on the cyano as well. i might be buying 10 or 15 more this weekend.

then i found out that i have to flip them back over if they fall, and i gotta do it fast cause i got hermit crabs lol....i guess nothing good comes without a little work lol.
They're not as troublesome as you think, the only flipping over they'll be doing is within their first couple of days, if ever at all. Then they'll spend all of their time on the rocks and glass. If you want snails that spend their time in the substrate then nassarius are awesome. Theyre super fast too :p
well i have about 5 or 6 nassarius snails, they are cool. kinda suck at climbing the walls when they do lol. i also have 2 big turbos...about 2 inches each i guess. the astrea snails i got just for the cyano, and nothing else.
thats the wierd thing, i do have phosphate remover and i'm always in there with a net scouping the stuff out.

but heres the good news, the snails have made a big dent in the cyano. it's looking ALOT better now then it did 2 days ago. not to sure if it was 100% the snails, but hey either way i'm happy. :)

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