Ok you impatient lot, Heres some more pics for you to peruse.
Interesting to note about the Duncans and the price. I hope I've got what I paid for, they seem exactly like the pics in Bornemans book and internet photos
so I've no reason to doubt the seller.
The coral has steely grey whiskers with a bluish/green flourscent centre and a cream coloured oral mouth.
First up is a nice colony of Yellow Sand Polyps (Protapalythoa sp)
Next we have the so called Australian Duncans (Duncanopsammia) pretty much closed up still due to the cleaner shrimp antics.
Red Brigade Zoanthid Frag
Bam Bam Orange Zoanthid Frag
Eagle Eye Zoanthid Frag
Fluorescent Green Platygyra Maze Coral.
And finally the FTS
As you can see I've moved things around a little since the last pics. I didn't get the Montipora digitata frag due to an accident in the sellers frag tank. I did get a Montipora Plating Coral (orange) as a replacment of which I forgot to photograph, and will give me another excuse to get the camera out again in the comming weeks. For those who wish to locate it on the FTS pic, it's directly above the top cleaner shrimp on the right hand side on the rockwall itself.
Hope you like the pics and as usual any comments and criticisms are all taken onboard.