Since getting back from my excursion to West Yorkshire, I have aquired some Trumpet Coral and some Purple mushroom rock, The trumpet coral was knocked about a bit in transit and had broken of form its milliput base on the live rock, I ended up with around 3 daughter colonies with on average 4-6 heads on each piece. I have aclimatised them and positioned them in 3 seperate areas around the tank, they have subsequently all opened up and are thriving (I thought I'd lost them). As for the mushroom rock, I again fragged it into 3 and placed one large colony in the aquarium and left two smaller ones in the fuge. Dont know if I'll use them yet or not (see what happens) When splitting the mushroom rock I came across a rather large segmented worm, (possibly a Bristleworm) needless to say it and other unidentified pods were discarded. Everything is looking jolly good at the moment except for my Kenya Tree ( If someone could have a look at the pics, it's on right hand side of tank and give me a positive ID on this) It droops quite regularly. I read that it relies much less on photosynthetic processes than other softies and will perk up much better if fed from time to time (not directly but food in the water column) with photoplankton, again any member witnessed or been doing this. I have some DTS Live Photoplankton in the fridge and am about to dose sparingly a couple of times a week. Tuesday should see the arrival of 3 colourful Zoo frags and 4 Orange Ricordae mushrooms after that I'm on the lookout for some Metallic GSP and possibly some Xenia (the one with the red vein colouration) I think that will have to do for now until it all matures and spreads.
Future plans would include a nice courful frag of Montipora digitata and maybe a plate type of Montipora, would my lighting if the plate was placed high on the rockwall be sufficient for its general husbandry. I dont intend to clutter the substrate with corals as I wish to leave it as free as possible for the Scooter Blenny to peruse.
Regarding the Blenny I have made a brineshrimp hatchery which I have incorporated into the sump/fuge and he/she really loves chaseing the BBS around. Seems to be feeding nicely.
I will post some new pics possibly later today or maybe Tuesday after the new corals have been incorporated into the aquascape.
Just a little foot note here and I maybe totally barking up the wrong tree and jumping to assumptions, please read on.....A little piece of Zoanthid rock (Palys) fell from its location (non glued) so I picked it up with my bare hands (maybe stupid) and placed some miliput to the rock and replaced. I touched the coral and ever since I have been really ill (and I mean really ill) violent headache, lethargy and vomiting. Now this may just be a coincidence and could be something else at play here but from now on I'm definately going to be wearing gloves.....Just thought I'd mention that little piece, has anyone else experienced such issues. As I say it may be pure coincidence and folly on my behalf.
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