Well the package I posted to myself arrived today as planned. In it were Purple Mushroom Rock and a Trumpet Coral. That I purchased from Interfish in Ossett, West Yorks. I have split the Trumpet Coral into 3, Likewise the Mushroom Rock. Looks pretty neat (I'll post pics when Corals fully recover from the stress of the postal journey). I've also ordered some colourful Zoa frags and some Ricordea. I reckon some GSP will just about round things off for now. Today I went into my LFS for the first time since comming back from the mainland. I purchased a Scooter Blenny. (Dragonet)for £12.00... It is eating frozen brineshrimp the woman assured me. I got home from work and acclimatised all the corals and the fish, I did a 12 ltr waterchange, cleaned the sump and renewed the filter floss, I also cleaned the skimmer cup. Took me 4 hours in all, haven't even had a bite to eat yet.
I've just fed the fish, and sure enough the Scooter Blenny does indeed feed on frozen brineshrimp. So now I can relax somewhat (If there is such a word in this hobby)
I plan to make a small brineshrimp hatcher that will hang inside the sump wall tomorrow, then I can give the Blenny some live brineshrimp nauplii as well.
I will post some pics tomorrow evening.