Looking very good
Lots of useful information here for when I get a bigger tank {shhhhhhh the wife is listening
Can I just make 1 small suggestion I also have the v2 nano skimmer, and very good it is to IMO but there is 1 small mod you might have to make mine was making a lot of gurgling noise and was very difficult to set up. So I added a 2inch length of air line to the intake {I think the intake is to low down and sucks a mix of water and air into it} it’s now 80% quieter and works perfectly
Best regards john,o

Looking very good

Lots of useful information here for when I get a bigger tank {shhhhhhh the wife is listening

Can I just make 1 small suggestion I also have the v2 nano skimmer, and very good it is to IMO but there is 1 small mod you might have to make mine was making a lot of gurgling noise and was very difficult to set up. So I added a 2inch length of air line to the intake {I think the intake is to low down and sucks a mix of water and air into it} it’s now 80% quieter and works perfectly
Best regards john,o