Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

Coraline algae is actually more chemistry limited than light limited... It won't really start flourishing until you get your alk above say 10dKH and your calc above say 430ppm
My calcium is ok but I don't have a dKH test kit. My pH is fine. I read that dKH has something to do with your pH level. I have no idea how to test for alkalinity. Nor do I know how to "raise" it. I'll have to read on I suppose.
what all should i get in the test kit if i plan on growing corals? Ph, Nitrite, nitrate, ammonia, what else? Anything?
Yep, sure did. Here is that tank surroundings. I hate how flash screws up the look of the tank, oh well.

[sup]Now I just need to get the electronics away from the tank. Gotta pin that speak on the wall[/sup]
just wondering where is the tank in your house/apartment (dont know)? is it in the kitchen or something. looks very nice :good:
Well I originally had the tank set up at college. The spring semester concluded four days ago so I had to bring it home, but now that it is home the tank isn't moving. I still live with my parents; probably will for awhile seeing that I am going to go for my masters. The tank is currently in my room. The entire side of the room is a giant built in dresser. Luckily it is very sturdy., basically one giant block of wood. Lots of space for tanks. :hey:
I was just wondering if it would be wise to upgrade from 12 gallon to 29 gallon. Will i need protien skimmer? Or a sump? If my 2 gallon is already cycled, how long will it take my 29 to cycle, after adding the extra rock?
cycling in general usually takes 3-4 weeks. i have been cycling my 35 gallon for a little more than 3 weeks and am going to wait another week until i get fish. sumps are usually for big tanks, my 50 gallon salt just has a little section cut of that has all the filters inside the tank.
For keeping corals, in addition to the ones you mentioned hobbit, you need calcium and alkalinity (aka carbonate hardness).
Yay coral!!!

I took a trip over to a great fish store about 50 minutes away from my house to spend some dough. Once the shopping spree ended I picked up two corals. I got each for 25 dollars.

Here are my button zooanthids. Don't worry I used gloves. ;)


The other coral will be revieled after it opens :D

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