Fish Herder
Current water statistics:
Spacific Gravity: 1.024
Temperature (F): 78
Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
Nitrate: <5ppm
pH: 8.3
Running PhosGuard & Carbon
My LPS is getting LOADS of snails, shrimp, and crabs this Friday. I know the owner, but he just orders stuff for me. I asked him to order:
3 Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Cerith Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
2 Astraea Conehead Snails
He would hold them for me.
Spacific Gravity: 1.024
Temperature (F): 78
Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
Nitrate: <5ppm
pH: 8.3
Running PhosGuard & Carbon
My LPS is getting LOADS of snails, shrimp, and crabs this Friday. I know the owner, but he just orders stuff for me. I asked him to order:
3 Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Cerith Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
2 Astraea Conehead Snails
He would hold them for me.