Danno's Nanos And Pico Journal

Current water statistics:

Spacific Gravity: 1.024
Temperature (F): 78
Ammonia: 0.00ppm
Nitrite: 0.00ppm
Nitrate: <5ppm
pH: 8.3

Running PhosGuard & Carbon

My LPS is getting LOADS of snails, shrimp, and crabs this Friday. I know the owner, but he just orders stuff for me. I asked him to order:

3 Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crab
1 Peppermint Shrimp
2 Cerith Snails
2 Nassarius Snails
2 Astraea Conehead Snails

He would hold them for me.
Don't worry about adding stuff. My tank is about two months old now and I am still working out a permanent cuc since mine current one isn't getting the job done. I don't have any corals or fish and it took me a month to finally get all my LR.

btw I would add some more LR though, it looks very empty. CUC sounds ok though not sure on the hermits
Today was also a day of a big change for my tank, so will Thursday! I have officially 13 pounds of live rock! I re-aquascaped and it is looking so much better! Man this makes be phyced. I returned my Blue Damsel sadly. I really grew on the bugger :sad: I also returned the Camel Shrimp that when I bought it I though it was a Peppermint Shrimp. :grr:

All I have in my tank now is one Turbo Snail. He is cool :nod: I almost like the inverts more then the shrimp! (am I going to the dark side or something? :shifty: )

Here was my first attemp at the new aquascape:


Here is what it looks like now:


Tomarrow is the day that I get my bulb and clean up crew. So ill have another big update.

Ill get better tank shots also, my friend with the 6.1MP camera was a.w.a.l.

Thats all folks! Be back tomarrow! :fun:
Danno..you need to reduce you pic size or the photos will have to come off. You are at 1200 pixels. 500-750 should be better.

No additives unless you test for them including ALL components.

Thanks..makes it much easier for us to see your pix and help out. Cheers. SH
Well i'm starting to think about lighting seeing that stocking is now the thought on my mine. I need a cost affective solution though. It is 10 gallons so I need about 40 watts im guessing. I luckily found something that I might think will work.

Click to see

From what I read this will work fine for "newbie" corals. I would be looking at the 20" model. What do you guys think?

This Tuesday I will be putting a order into liveaquaria for my clean up crew. Right now I have 4 asreas snails cleaning my tank. They are doing a great job eating my leftover dying diatoms.
I have that light for my 10g FRESHwater... Works good, too, I've had it about 4 months now. I wish the lunar light was a bit brighter, though.
Well currently I am about to make a large upgrade to my tank. I plan on adding three Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crabs, one Hawaiian Feather Duster, one Peppermint Shrimp, two Margarita Snails, two Cerith Snails, and two Nassarius Snails. Also I am planning on getting that lighting fixture for my tank that was previously mentioned. It seems to have a high blue spectrem. Plus it is on sale. :cool: That and im going to change the plastic hood for an All-Glass hood. I hope that works.
HUGE update today!


Today I recieved from livaaquaria:

Four Red-Tip Hermit Crabs
One Peppermint Shrimp
One Hawaiian Featherduster
Two Margarita Snails
Two Nassarius Snails
Two Cerith Snails

The shipment was one day late and some of the snails and such don't look too hot. I also picked up refrigerated plankton for the featherduster. I got some syringes so I can spot feed it.

Here are some pictures of them being drip acclimated:






Bit early for the feather duster IMO, will need feeding = waste in the tank.

As a side note, I have that router :p
I got syringes for spot feeding. From what I researched it will be ok.

Router works good huh? :lol:
Well I guess it is time for an update, so here it is!

I upgraded my light so I now have a little bit over 5 watts per gallon. It is a 50/50 bulb. Added a glass hood and another 3 pounds of live rock. I finally hit the 15 pound mark. Here are some updated pictures.

Tank shots:



Dwarf Red Tip Hermit Crab:


Jauche, my Peppermint Shrimp moulted. When I first saw this in the morning I though some monster came out of my tank but it was just his moult.:


Jauche cleaning my hand when I was doing some cleaning up:



Clownfish that isn't eating yet....tank parimeters are fine too!

hi, i have a 12 gallon with nothing but 7 lbs of lr, and a turbo. is it ok to add all the livestock you did at the same time?

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