
I'm setting up an experimental fish in cycle tank today. I needed to set up another small tank anyway.

The test subjects, a couple of male guppies who are being naughty, and a small shoal of tetra. I will be using a bacteria booster starting product, and the tank will be lightly planted using water sprite.

The gravel and filter are brand new.

Why am i attempting this? Well I have read many succeful fishkeeping stories, like Ludwig's, and have seen tanks like my mothers (completely uncycled, practically abandoned and only fed fishfood) with unbelievable results, and the only time she's lost a fish in the last 8 years was when her nephew emptied a large tub of medicated food into her tank.
I did the whole fishless cycle, and have lost more fish than my mother, even though I am testing my water, performing regular water changes, constantly monitering behaviour.

She just adds some water when the tank level drops. And feeds once a day.
She just adds some water when the tank level drops. And feeds once a day.
not even weekly water changes? i wouldn't have thought thats a great idea...

Not even weekly water changes.

If her filter gets clogged, she cleans it.
If her glass gets algae, she wipes it off.

If the water height lowers, she puts water in.

Thats all she does. And she has some of the healthiest happiest fish i've ever seen.
I agree to disagree over cycling,i have been there on both fish in & fishless cycling,i've found fish in is much more stressful for the fish and myself and harder work with the waterchanges etc..
Luckily for me i haven't lost fish due to fish in cycle,but time & time again you read about peeps losing fish on tank start up's...

So if a peeps is willing to do daily/twice daily waterchanges to keep the levels down with minimal stocking then so be it,but then most end up coming here and asking why their fish have died???

I agree with fishless cycle myself or cloned filters,if it saves needless deaths of fish.
I agree to disagree over cycling,i have been there on both fish in & fishless cycling,i've found fish in is much more stressful for the fish and myself and harder work with the waterchanges etc..
Luckily for me i haven't lost fish due to fish in cycle,but time & time again you read about peeps losing fish on tank start up's...

So if a peeps is willing to do daily/twice daily waterchanges to keep the levels down with minimal stocking then so be it,but then most end up coming here and asking why their fish have died???

I agree with fishless cycle myself or cloned filters,if it saves needless deaths of fish.

I am a huge fan of fishless cycling. I would much rather do that than spend hours changing water. I guess my conscience is easier on me with fishless and patience is really not a problem anymore. I guess it's just my own preference to know that I'm not exposing my fish to toxins, even the smallest amount.

Like you said, once your first tank is cycled and established any upgrades do not have to be painstaking. Seeding a filter is the perfect solution and saves a lot of time :) Atleast on the most part, thats how I feel.
An interesting debate everyone. Ludwig a very brave question I applaud you for bringing it up as it digs up deep feelings in some but in my humble opinion a worthy question.

Only being in the hobby for a couple of years I consider myself a novice compared to many members on this forum although I do not believe time served is the only requirement of an expert.

I find myself unable to discus the technicality's of cycling with the confidence that others do so I shall refrain from doing so instead I will venture a response on the spirit of your question.

First of I will state that My first tank had a fishless cycle why? because I knew nothing about keeping fish or an Aquarium I found this site almost immediately when researching the subject, It appeared to me it was the way to go so "I followed the instructions on the tin" as they say, now at the time who could say if it was the right or wrong way of doing it?

I as a newbie had to make a decision as to if I should follow the advice in front of me as do those that walk into a LFS and take there advice as they hand there money over, I do not consider myself an exceptionally inelligent man and I have done some silly things in my time but I am not a fool (I am not accusing anyone of saying that about me) and I think I chose better than the poor individuals that walked into the LFS and said I am new and I want to keep Tropical fish. The evidence is in the tropical fish emergencies section of this forum

A little later I read about fish in cycling and I think most would agree if done correctly there is nothing wrong with it what so ever, other tanks I have upgraded to I have just cloned the filters or simply moved the Canisters over to the new tank.

Now, why is it considered necessary to cycle a tank (for up to six months) as it has been recommended in some threads before putting fish into it???

The simple answer would or could be because this is the way the majority have done it?

Because when we first got into the hobby that was the recommendation of someone who has already had experience?

There is the option in the beginners resource centre for both main options of cycling.

Maybe some of us and I include myself in this jump on new people and recommend a fishless cycle as it worked for me and nature shows that its best to not try and reinvent the wheel as they say, As I guess you as you have explained in the beginning of your post set up a tank the same way every time and have done so for a long time.

You asked "is it necessary" maybe not but what we are doing is human nature!

Is it correct? (my question) I do not know but it worked for me.

As for the six month fishless cycle well I find myself not guilty but I would like to see who did so I could have a bit of a laugh :lol:

Again a good post Ludwig and one I will be following :good:

Regards onebto.
Very interesting debate, enjoyed reading your post onebto. I myself am new to this hobby and if i had not found you more experienced people then no dought i would have been in the middle of a fish in cycle, as it is i'm doing it fishless. Please don't think for one minute i'm saying fish in cycle is the wrong method, I personally would panic get frustrated and possibly lose interest if i started to loose fish right from the very start. I suppose i would feel that i had failed not just me but for the fish as well.

I too do fish - in cycle.
When I set up my first tank last year I bought a book from Amazon that was a simple
step by step guide to setting up a tropical fish tank.
And it recommended the fish - in cycle method.
I followed that books instructions to the letter and had no issues - nor
did I find the process particularly laborious.
However, since then I use the cloning method of using old filter medium for
establishing new tanks.
But if I set up a tank from "cold" again, then I would once more do the fish - in cycling.
It worked for me OK :good:

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