Riiiiiiiiight, after hours and hours of fiddling with redmoor and fishing line I got it planted. I decided to make this journal a two scape journal as both tanks are side by side. Cuban Stream and Isle Of The Crypts.
Here's some pic's anyway, took forever but got there in the end.
Cuban Stream
Arc 60
Narrow Java Fern
Needle Leaf fern
Fissidens Fontanus
Mini Landscape Rock
Hydor Prime 20
50W Heater
24W Ellipse Lighting
Colombo Florabase
Dosing Excel & TPN+
Isle Of The Crypts
Arc 35
Crypt Wenditii Green & Brown
Crypt Parva
Pogostemon Helferi
Mini Landscape Rock
700LPH Internal
11W Ellipse Lighting
50W Heater
Sand/Gravel Mix
Dosing Excel & TPN+
I decided after getting filters with each tank I'd take the 700LPH rated internal that came with the 60 and use it in the 35, it turns out is shocking how very powerful it is. The one that came with the 35 was 200LPH and I'm using that for another pico external filter.
I'm waiting for the lily pipes to turn up so excuse the ugly inlet/outlet pipes if you can see them in the 60.
The 60 will have Mosquito Rasbora soon with Cherry Shrimp but as the substrate leeches ammonia I'm gonna wait even tho I've had the external running for 3 weeks now. The 35 currently has 70 ish Cherry Shrimp and a Pygmy Cory but will also have some Scarlet Badis soon.
Anyway here's the pics, sorry their not great, been a long day, took your advice Liz with the rocks and there's a pic in there for ya lol, the 35 is still a bit cloudy due to the sand but the 60 is absolutely crystal. You can see from one of the pics that I put a lot of the Staurogyne round the back of the wood so its filled in and I have a beautiful Anubias Petite to go on the roots on the bottom left thanks to Ian, just waiting for it to grow a little more first, I also left a space in front of the root with a little HC in case the Helferi in the 35 doesn't do so well I'll just move it over.
For Liz lol.
Here's the 35, I loved this rock so much I had to change my scape for this tank, the quartz veins in it were to much to pass up on.
Hopefully the water will clear up by the morning.
The Isle Of The Crypts.
All comments welcome, hope you guys like it.