Cory Spawning

hi sf05
i'm really sorry to hear bout you losing 1 of your fry :-(
but i have now come to the conclusion that its far easier giving birth yourself than trying to raise fry lol. i do nothing but panic over mine
Hi Sf05 :)

I'm sorry to learn that one of your fry died. :-( Sometimes this just happens for no apparent reason, so it doesn't mean you did anything wrong.

The only advice I can give you is to take care that you feed them small portions of food frequently, rather than big batches at one time. Don't let up on your water changes now, and keep the bottom clean.

As the fry start getting bigger, it's easy to start taking them for granted, but you have to resist the temptation. They are still small and delicate. They have little resistance to bacterial infections and will die quickly if the tank is not kept nice and clean.
Wow! Great job! Beautiful babies.

My boys and girls were rather fasted for the move, plus there was an interruption in access. So the blackworm feedings were far apart and few. When the tanks got in and settled, they got a good feeding. The aeneus were so delighted that there was a spawning frenzy the next morning. A Coradoras virginae/Sangama even got in the mix. I tried to get some eggs but SBC had fouled up my service and my phone was down (took two days), so I was at a loss and made a mess of it.

So, good job! It takes focus and good care. :flowers: :book: :hooray:

Hi jollysue :)

I hope that means that after you complete your move, we will soon be seeing a thread, complete with pictures, of a batch of fry from your corys. Once they get started you know, it's likely they will be doing it again and perhaps quite soon. :thumbs:
Hey again Everyone!

Just an update i guess. The fry have grown considerably from those pictures and are doing great :)
Their eyes seem to have gotten bigger and they are alot more alert! They seem to dart everywhere when i come into feed them!

As i said their eyes seem to have gotten alot bigger and their caudal fins are also larger. I can put the syphon in now and not worry about them getting sucked up which is great :D
Their bronzey-green colour is starting to show up a bit now. From their heads to their dorsal fins they have a nice greeny brown shine and then from there to their tales they still look like peppered cories.

They will all be moving to the 22g (29US) at the end of the month, which will have a sand substrate and an additional filter :D


Ooops i forget to say! My computer has been nuked so i have lost everything on it. Just my luck that we have also lost the CD installation for the camera so i can't post pics until i can find it :/ We've turned the house up once and found nothing so i don't know where its got too :(
Hi Sf05 :)

I'm always happy to see a post from you about the progress your fry are making. They sound beautiful.

They will start growing faster too, and as they get bigger and can eat even more, they will grow faster still. The tiny fry part is the hardest.

I hope you find what you are looking for and can post some more pictures soon. :D
Hey again Everyone!

Just an update i guess. The fry have grown considerably from those pictures and are doing great :)
Their eyes seem to have gotten bigger and they are alot more alert! They seem to dart everywhere when i come into feed them!

As i said their eyes seem to have gotten alot bigger and their caudal fins are also larger. I can put the syphon in now and not worry about them getting sucked up which is great :D
Their bronzey-green colour is starting to show up a bit now. From their heads to their dorsal fins they have a nice greeny brown shine and then from there to their tales they still look like peppered cories.

They will all be moving to the 22g (29US) at the end of the month, which will have a sand substrate and an additional filter :D


Ooops i forget to say! My computer has been nuked so i have lost everything on it. Just my luck that we have also lost the CD installation for the camera so i can't post pics until i can find it :/ We've turned the house up once and found nothing so i don't know where its got too :(

Yours look like peppered cories and they are bronze? If so, that answers many questions for me. Mine also have black spots, but the 3 bigger ones definately have that green sheen to them. Now I am thinking mine are Bronze C. Aeneus :thumbs:

EDIT: Do yours have a black line that runs from the top of their head over their eye and to the barbels?
Hi barracuda

Your fry sound just like mine were when they were younger :) They had darker heads although no stripe that i could tell anyway? :huh: I thought that my fry where peppered also even though i dont don't have any as they looked so alike, mine look just like little bronze cories now :)

Thanks for your reply inchworm, they difently have grown a bigger apetite! :D
If you check the website of the camera manufacturer, you should be able to download a driver for your camera. CDs often become lost or unusable. Downloads of already acquired products are free. You may need a purchase or product or whatever they call it #. One of the advantages of buying online from the manufacturer is a case file.
Thanks Jollysue for your suggestion, i tried every link that i could find and clicked to install the driver but for some reason my computer won't download them even though it is saying that they have been downloaded :/ I'll ring samsung and see if they can send me out a replacement disc.

Well as i'm posting i might as well give an update on the fry :)

They are still growing well and eating loads! When they were younger i had to worry about sucking them up in the syphon now i have to worry about having any hand left :crazy: Oh and i had recount of fry yesterday and all times i came up with a number closer to 75 than the 65 i had before so thats good news :)
Hi Sf05 :)

Counting fry in not an easy thing to do! :hyper: I've seen it suggested that a good way to do it is to take a picture of them, print it out, and count them on the picture. At least they would be still and you could cross them off, as you go along, so you don't lose track of which ones you already counted.

You said you got them eating the frozen bbs at an early age. Are they still eating them as a big part of their diet? Would you recommend them? :unsure:
Hi Inchworm

As soon as i get my CD i will do what you suggested, it sounds like a good idea can't believe i didn't think of that myself :*)

I would definatly reccomend the frozen BBS they've worked a treat for me and are so easy compared to what live cultures sound. I fed my fry liqufry for the first three days and then moved them straight onto the frozen BBS which they eat readily. I could see their bellies full with orange BBS. I used that and then combined it with flake and sinking pellets when they were big enough to take them.

I feed them BBS in the morning still, before college and work as they are easy to feed and are ready quickly so i can chuck them in and go. If you can get hold of them i'd diffently give them a try :)

Hi Sf05 :)

I'm glad to learn that you're happy with the frozen bbs. I'll definitely get some and give them a try. I like the idea of being able to add some variety in their diets too. :nod:
I'm thinking some sort of firewall protection needed to be turned off, maybe. Well we just have to wait for the pics. That's all there is to it. Plan this a little better next time, will ya? lol

I have a 10 gallon about freed up for the aeneus to play their jolly games in. But my virginae are acting very lusty it seems to me. I have some new Coreys coming today or tomorrow, probably. I did put the pandas in with the skunks, San Juans, and the other white with black stripe little guys. They can't seem to tell the difference and follow the skunks and the other around indescriminently as though they were Mama or Papa. They're so cute.
:lol: Hi jollysue and please forgive me :fun:

Goodluck with the 10g.

Anyway :( Last night i found two dead fry... No signs of illness and i haven't missed out any water changes or overfed :huh: That's three dead now and i can't understand why.

Everyone else seems fine and are grwoing very fast but it's always the bigger ones that are dieing so i dont know what is happening. Any ideas?

Thanks Dan
Hi Sf05 :)

Sometimes young fish just die for no apparent reason. It could be that they have reached a stage in their development that they, as individuals, cannot pass. There is just no way to tell about that. But, since they are still small and fragile, young ones are very susceptible to bacterial infections and I suspect something like that could be going on. When it comes to corys, that's almost always the problem.

I would try adding a little MelaFix. It's a very mild antibacterial and often helps. Just use 1 tsp. per 10 gallon tank and don't repeat the dosage unless you are doing water changes and need to add enough to replace what was removed.

Also, be very careful about adding too much food at a time. Frozen food is especially risky and it doesn't take much to spoil and cause problems with these delicate little fish.

Good luck with them. I hope whatever is causing this problem gets resolved quickly.

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