Cory Spawning

Siamese Fighter05

Fish Herder
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Birmingham UK
Well ive been conditiong my bronze and albinos cories on Frozen bloodworm,black worm and BBs for around 10days now so decided it was time to give the 'trigger' a test.
At about 12:30am (Dont worry everyone was awake) I did a 35% water change with colder water and left the heater off. I did the water change in darkness to try in imitate the rainstorm as it was throwing it down outside also.
Ive stayed up all night hoping to catch some cory breeding for the morning (I would go to sleep but i'd probably sleep through the alarm). It should start to get lighter inside the next hour so i will peep through the door every know and again and hope for the best! Im almost positive i have 2 albino Males 1 bronze male and 2 bronze females. I think i have everything ready for the eggs and everything for the fry if they do hatch thanks to inchworm!

Hopefully in the next few hours i may be able to post some good news! If not ill carry on conditioning them.
nice 1 hope they spawn for you. think i must have some of the most randy albino cory as mine are spawning again this morning. think its only been about a week since last time. must get them in their own tank so i can save some eggs & hopefully get fry.
good luck with yours spawning :D
Hi Siamese Fighter05 :)

Good luck to you and your corys! Don't be too impatient though. It might just take a few days to see results. If it doesn't work, the first time, try the same routine in a week or two. :D
Thanks for the replies everyone :)
Well they didnt spawn but its partly my fault. Although i left the heater off the central heating was on and because my room is one of those tiny box ones its only takes the radiator to bring the room to a warm temperature, so when i checked the tank had been brought back up to 24 degrees. I gave them some bloodworm today and pulled the corner filter's out-take above the surface so it's throwing some water down into the tank like rain. I did another smaller water change with colder water today (20%) to see if theyd spawn now the conditions were right. Another night up i guess, If i was in the room while they were spawning would they stop? They dont mind me being in the room normally and they swim around the front glass begging for food when i walk in so they diffently aren't shy. I'd like to try and get some pics but dont want to interrupt. Ive switched the central heating off for tonight so hopefully we should get some results instead of a freezing cold bed! :crazy:
Hi Siamese Fighter05 :)

Please relax now. If you've done a good water change and let the temperature go down, it's probably just going to take a few days for them to spawn. It would be best to just continue feeding them conditioning foods and have patience. When they are ready, nature will take over.

Actually, it's not unusual for bronze and albinos to spawn with no special attention at all, so don't over do it. They are prolific breeders, and if yours are mature, they will spawn when they are ready.

You don't have to worry about interrupting them once they get started. They are fascinating to watch and I hope you get a chance to see them at it.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it happens soon. :D
Ok sorry if if my spelling or typeing is poor But i'm at college and in a serious rush, Cories spawned on Sunday morning so they are due to hatch tomorrow. I lost instructions to my liqufry so I don’t know how much to dose. There are 80 eggs. I have tons of questions and about 1minute to type them sorry
1. How often to feed liqufiry and how much
2. When to move onto bbs
3. When should I put sponge filter in
4. How often should I water change and how much

I cant think of anything else and my computer at home is broke so ill have to try and jump on again by the end of the day. Thanks for your help and please add anything you can it appreciated. Sorry for my ppor typing and speeling major rush is on

Thanks dan
hi siamesefighter
well done with your corys spawning hope they hatch for you. its been confirmedmy corys are randy as mine spawned AGAIN this morning think they must do it for the fun of it now. anyway once again i have managed to save some eggs & movced them to a different tank so hopefully i will get some fry.
good luck with yours fingers crossed they hatch for ya :D :D
Hi Siamese Fighter05 :)

I'm glad to learn your efforts paid off. It didn't take very long either.

If you have kept excellent water circulation over the eggs, they should hatch in 3-4 days. After you are sure they have finished hatching, you might want to pull the airstone up so that it moves the top of the water, but doesn't catch the tiny fry in it's current. At that point, you will also want to clean the egg debris off the glass and net out any bits that are floating or have settled to the bottom.

About 24-48 hours, begin feeding them the LiquiFry. It only takes a couple of drops, but give it a stir to disperse it. The particles will sink to the bottom where the fry will find it.

After that, be prepared to do partial water changes at least once a day. Any uneaten LiquiFry, bbs or microworms, will all spoil and pollute the water, and this must be avoided. You need to be sure they have plenty of food, readily available, but the water must stay clean. You will find that the LiquiFry will cause some micro-organisms to grow on the glass, and it's OK; the fry will also eat that. It's the water that must be kept clean, and I change about 2 gallons - out of a 10 gallon tank - at a time. Also net out any fry that have died, and despite your best efforts, there will be some.

I never fed my fry bbs, but prefer to keep a microworm culture going, so I can't tell you how soon the fry will be big enough to eat them, but get them moved up as soon as you are able.

There is no need to get a sponge filter going since you are doing daily water changes. I usually wait 3 or 4 weeks to get it started.

Good luck with the little ones! :thumbs: I hope you can post some pictures too. :D
hi siamese fighter
how are the eggs doing?? hope they ok & have hatched for you
Hi all :D

The eggs hatched yesterday morning and I fed them their first dose of liquifry today. I look to have a good hatch rate, around 95% they are all swimming around like tad-poles now. Thanks for the help ill loads some pics up when my pc is fixed. IVe had to rush again so i cant type much sorry
Thanks dan
Hi again everyone :D

Just thought id give you an update on how everything is going. The fry come out in the open more often now, the first day they were born they were hiding between the sealent and the glass along the bottom. They now spend most of their time setting on the floor and near the surface. They seem to have grown alot already and look big enough to take the bbs now! im going to leave it for another few days just incase. I went down to the LFS yesterday just to have a look around and the lady said you can feed them bbs after about 3 days of liquifry, so hopefully they will soon be able to fatten up. Thanks for all of your replies, i got the laptop back today but ill have o wait for them to send the pc back before i can send any piccys. sorry :X just a quick question before i get ready to leave.
How long is it before they start to colour up?
Thanks Dan
Hi again

I put the fry some BBS in today so hopefully they should start growing faster. I was just wondering how many would they eat each? I can hardly see the little things so hopefully the fry can find them :blink:
Also how often should i feed BBS?
Everythings going well still im doing 10% Water changes twice a day although it a challenge trying to clean the bottom without sucking one of them up the syphon. I haven't done it yet but if i lose my concentration for one second i could suck all 60-odd of them up therev :/
Thanks Dan

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