Cory Spawn


There we go, 200 more eggs moved from main tank to fry tank :)

Thats the filter in action, you can see the narrow slits in the plastic case but the sponge is too dense to allow anything in. I quite like it with the little spray bar :D Seems its doing its job with ammonia and nitrites at the moment too.

You can just about see some 48 hour old fry under the filter, little black dots, about a dozen. :eek:
Awe bless,glad the readings are good :good:

The fry may do better with a thin layer of sand all over the bottom,a bacteria film will build up otherwise harming the fry.
Im popping into Argos in town tomorrow to get some play sand, i'll put a few tiny scoops in to start then fill it up a little more when i can see that im not dumping sand on fry heads :D I've also ditched the hikari firstbites for the time being and im just going to feed decapped brine shrimp eggs this week. Also need to get a poly off cut to put under the tank, i dont want my shelf rotting from water damage :|

Hopefully if this small tank works ok i can then ponder a half decent sized grow out tank for them :)
wow thia Argos playsand is so fine and bright...i want it in my main tank now! But that would be a mission and a half :|

Yep it does make a difference don't it,thats what i use :good:

Hey go for it,you have a lot of it left over ;) :lol:

I put some dark sand in the gourami tank a few months ago,but very tempted to change it back for argos sand :rolleyes: :lol:

Hows the wee fry?
Just charging up the camera to see if i can get a better shot with a macro lens i found. Had more eggs this morning, another bronze going mad, so transfered them to the fry tank too. Probably about 300 on the front glass now lol. There must be something in our water ;D

There are about 10 fry from the origional lot that have darkened up now and are sat under the filter while theres probably 4/5 that are still struggling to eat/burst out of their eggs.
Bit late with the pics, father in law nabbed the camera!

One Fry Tank with new Argos play sand and some new eggs, expect them to hatch out on Tuesday/Wednesday. Have moved the spray bar since to hit the front glass a little more. Only spotted two eggs with fungus so far and removed.


Some 48 hour Fry

Feeding only decapsulated brine shrimp eggs at the moment. Sprinkled all over the tank, near impossible to suck them out unless i change the sand too. :eek:

...and tonight i have a dozen "eggs with tails" :D They appear to be hatching from the glass now, lots have darkened up ready to pop. Im expecing to see close to 100 in the morning gobbing around the tank :) Quite pleased with this way of doing it, only a couple were infertile and fungused up so far. Used the pipette a couple of times to suck up what looks like hairy clumps of sand but its not too much. The sand seems to cling to it so it comes up pretty easy.

Found nitrite levels to be creeping up over 24 hours so i'm doing just over 60% water changes morning and evening. I dont expect this to last long, at least i hope not anyway, im guessing the mature sponge in there is just adjusting to the new temperature. Ammonia levels are fine so fingers crossed it sorts soon. Although quite happy with it forcing me to water change regularly.
yey, uncountable number of fry this morning and less than 1/3 had hatched out :)
Good news on your new hatchlings :good:

Hows the rest going?

Make sure you keep the sand clean and give it a stir,or the wee fry can die from bacteria building on the sand...use a bit of airline into a tub,then if you do suck any fry up,you can pop them back in the tank.

I was forever sucking up the albino fry has i couldn't see them against the sand :rolleyes:
They are all doing good :D

I'm going to wait till Thursday then suck the majority of the sand out and put new in, its quite a thin layer so should come up very easily. Only takes half a pint or less to cover the tank.

It should give the fry a few days to darken up so i can see them :) The Spray bar on the little filter is proving quite good at circulating the water, i've not really had a huge build up of anything nasty yet.
Im a little concerned these guys are going to outgrow this tank within a couple of weeks! Its swarming with them! :D Might have to keep my eye on eBay for a cheap big old tank :)
im starting to wonder if this few mm of sand was a good idea so soon, it seems to cling together something mad with the manky stuff that forms, hoping when they grow a little more they will dig around and stop it from doing that!

still getting nitrites in there, starting to annoy me, gonna be in a mad panic to get home every night for a while to do a water change :|

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