So far Kansas has been only mildly hit with around 500 cases and 20 or so deaths - most are in the Kansas side of Kansas City, Lawrence - where University of Kansas is located and another county where Wichita State University is. I'm in Topeka, about 20 miles from Lawrence. Lawrence is now nearly the size of Topeka where we used to be double the size. It's the only "blue" county in the State and the "hip" place to live. Small hospital though - while Topeka has two major medical centers. Based on our Governor's news conferences we are in good shape and likely won't be hard hit for another month or two. Like everybody else we are having trouble ensuring that we will have enough ventilators and PPE. In fact I got a phone call from CDC or some type of group asking me if I have a ventilator (which I do, but it's not the kind where you have to be intubated to use it - it's like a bipap on steroids and monitors my breathing and can even breathe for me if necessary. The problem is that it really takes two people to hook it up - it's hard to do by myself so I haven't used it since my husband died - it also initially causes a lot of anxiety and my husband was so wonderful about calming me down so that stage only lasted a few minutes. I'm afraid to try it without him (panic attacks are terrible to go through). So they know I have it and I will give it up if somebody needs it before I do.
I'm actually used to having a fairly fragile respiratory system - but I tell you when I'm in a grocery store or doctor's waiting room and people are coughing and sneezing (especially children) - I go home and just want to cry while I wait for my new cold to set in because a cold for me is terrifying so I am so scared of getting this virus because my lung capacity won't allow me to survive it. H1N1 and two weeks in the ICU and I'm on oxygen for life and can't do much of anything without a panic attack. I take over 30 pills a day and do multiple breathing treatments - they might as well just sent me home to die - at least I'd be able to have a cup of coffee or plenty of ice water and use the bathroom without asking permission. The hospitals get so busy they don't have time to wait on you - and waiting for a respiratory therapist for an hour when you can barely breathe is no fun.
Having groceries delivered but you have to wait 4 days they are so backed up - I don't know what I'm going to want in 4 days LOL. I do all Dr Visits (the so-called "follow-up-because I need to make more money visits" by telephone, same with my therapist. I've cancelled all the others that can wait. I do need to see my Hemotologist/Oncologist to make sure I don't need more iron infusions. I'm about due for another ultra expensive immune boosting shot (38K it costs my insurance company after their write-off) so I can keep my immune system in shape. I wonder what value I bring to the world to justify such ridiculously expensive medical care. I don't work any more, I can't do much of anything anymore - if I was a dog I'd likely have been euthanized long ago just because of the cost.
So PLEASE don't make light of what is going on. Everybody said Y2K was "overblown" because nothing bad happened but as my husband (a Systems Engineer) said - nothing happened because a lot of planning and prevention took place before the date hit. If we had done nothing we would have had a mess. The goal is to turn these into non-events but not to make everybody complacent. Just read one or two of the stories written by direct care staff in New York and imagine being a patient there right now. Hell, pure hell. We have no idea. Those poor sick and the poor terrified caregivers.
I have my first grandchild due in 10 weeks. I really want to meet him - as it stands now I can't be in the birthing room any more - only one person and that will be her husband - as it should be. I will want to hold him but will be too afraid to do so as careful as I've been. She doesn't get any baby showers, and we can't' go baby furniture shopping together like we planned. The biggest moment of her life and we can't celebrate it. All the weddings (and funerals) cancelled - it's terrible.