your thoughts here...

My good neighbours would appreciate it. The noisy neighbours wouldn't be around to complain about it :)

The noisy neighbours are the ones that need to go.
My good neighbours would appreciate it. The noisy neighbours wouldn't be around to complain about it :)

The noisy neighbours are the ones that need to go.
Fair enough
People around here were stock piling dunny paper 2 months ago. That's how long it's been since I have been able to buy any paper products (toilet paper, tissues, paper towels). Soap is another one I can't find. The shelves have been completely empty since then.

People are just stupid buying up trolley loads of loo paper. Like seriously, if you go thru 1 roll of dunny paper a day, there is something wrong and you should probably get checked by a doctor.

Below are a couple of my favorite comments from the link above.

Perhaps the worst doomsday scenario is this: being stuck on the toilet and finding you're down to the last square.

Soft, white squares of toilet roll - marketed with pictures of puppies and pure snow - are a daily "luxury" that Australians and others just aren't willing to mentally part with.
Also can I buy something from overseas? Because I want power head and water pumps from Amazon but I dont know if they will ship due to this covid problem.
What do you think; bidet, toilet paper, which one more hygeine?

paper, not sure i'd want to eat a pastry dish someone else made right after they cleaned themselves with the bidet lol...

As for all these "stay safe" wishes I see all over YouTube now, which I'l reminded you I just uploaded a film of my shrimp fighting over an algae wafer, like they got coronavirus issues too lol, is reminding me of the film The Purge!
Swedish hospital near me closed their birthing center and maternity ward to make room for covid patients
Hospitals in Australia have locked down maternity wards and not allowing visitors. Pregnant mums needing to give birth are allowed in but nobody else gets in.
My aunts hospital is so low on masks that they are making nurses take turns with masks, not even sanitizing them first. The nurses and doctors are not allowed to bring their own masks for some dumb reason.
Australian doctors and nurses are being asked to wear the same masks and gowns all day and only replace them if they get covered in fluid.
Australian doctors and nurses are being asked to wear the same masks and gowns all day and only replace them if they get covered in fluid.
But this is multiple people sharing the same! Its crazy

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