your thoughts here...

I hope he doesn't get to sell any and goes bankrupt because of it. I am so sick of scumbags stockpiling stuff just so they can sell it after they mark it up 5000%. People like that should be jailed and never let out, and their goods should be confiscated by the government and given to hospitals and health care facilities so people who need them can use them.
I think some people are trying to corner the market for toilet sell at higher prices on ebay or amazon. If you want to know where a lot of the hand sanitizers have gone, read this:
EBay has been removing these.
I think some people are trying to corner the market for toilet sell at higher prices on ebay or amazon. If you want to know where a lot of the hand sanitizers have gone, read this:
another article states he donated the hand sanitizer as he is under investigation fr price gouging. Good.
Hi, I’m a nurse too in Texas but recently retired. I assume if the patient is still in ER that there is a bed shortage??? I would report this to the news with them agreeing not to use my name or be on camera. Just a phone interview. This is horrible and should not be allowed!

I did reach out to one new outlet CTV news but have not heard any replies. I have to watch as up here the College of nurses will revoke a license for breach of confidentiality and my workplace will likely fire me if it gets out that I spoke to the news. I have revealed no names or locations and used a barely used email address.
I suppose I have to now worry about the Feds raiding my basement :no:since the wife bought a bunch of toilet paper and paper towels which were on sale before the virus was big news. ????. She likes to watch Tucker Carlson on Fox who warned way back in early January that this was coming.
I did reach out to one new outlet CTV news but have not heard any replies. I have to watch as up here the College of nurses will revoke a license for breach of confidentiality and my workplace will likely fire me if it gets out that I spoke to the news. I have revealed no names or locations and used a barely used email address.
I understand your concerns. We just have a duty as any citizen would.
That is bad. The patient should have been isolated until confirmed with or without the virus. The fact they haven't been isolated means the virus will spread if he has it. And if he does have it, everyone in the nursing home probably has it. :(

re: my situation.
I can't have anything with wheat, gluten, dairy, preservative, onion, cauliflower and a bunch of other things in due to anti-biotics I was put on years ago. I spent a month on different anti-biotics and they did nothing to fix the problem I went to the doctor for, but they did screw up my intestine and made me allergic and intolerant to half the food and medications out there.

I can't have fast food because they have wheat or gluten in everything, including their chips. I can't have salads unless I have red meat to settle my insides. And I'm not particularly keen on the idea of salads with a virus running around. People breath the virus onto the salad and you got it.

There's no food banks around here and the only place that helps homeless people gives them a bowl of soup (containing wheat) and a couple of slices of bread (made from wheat).

Apparently there is no food in any shop anywhere in Australia. I was talking to some people online and they said the same as me. They go to their local supermarkets any time of day or night and the shelves are completely empty of food and paper products (towels, tissues, loo paper). The people I spoke to live on the east coast whereas I am on the west coast.

Can't order food online from supermarkets because they have no food to send out.
Sorry you are feeling so desperate. I hope the situation resolves very soon. Thinking of you.
Update. My dad has gotten much worse. My mom and three of my 4 brothers are showing the same symptoms. He is currently at urgent care and being tested for Covid-19. Will have results in a few days
So sorry to hear this. Why does it take so long to get the resuts, here they are taking less time, maybe a day now. My thoughts are with your family.
Well how bout you buy a fishing pole and try to catch some fish and then fry em up.
He doesn't need to catch a fish hes got a whole tank of them! ;)
Update. My dad has gotten much worse. My mom and three of my 4 brothers are showing the same symptoms. He is currently at urgent care and being tested for Covid-19. Will have results in a few days
I pray your father and family will be alright.

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